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Updated: August 23, 2024

Although the forests, the rivers, and the sea supply them in a great measure with their food, it is upon the reindeer that the Laplander is dependent for every other comfort in life. The reindeer is his estate, his horse, his cow, his companion, and friend. He has twenty-two different names for him.

They induced the chief of their band to remove him to another field of labour. This the chief promised and, either by caprice or by policy, finally brought about. Orders came that the devoted worker should set out for the uttermost part of Norway, there to take charge of a house which at all times of the year was covered with snow. So from being an Indian, the poor thing became a Laplander.

So eager were all three in the chase of the bear, that they only waited to coil up the cord, and then continued onward. "Really, now," said Ivan, pointing to one of the tracks, "if it wasn't that I see the marks of claws instead of toes, I should fancy we were tracking a man instead of a bear some barefooted Laplander, for instance. How very like these tracks are to those of a human foot!"

According to their reports the tribe had recently, at the invitation of the government, left the mountains and formed several kampongs in the western division. One of them, with short stubby fingers, had a broad Mongolian face and prominent cheek-bones, but not Mongolian eyes, reminding me somewhat of a Laplander.

Long before the doctrine of evolution was understood and adopted, students of the human races had been deeply impressed by their natural resemblances. As early as 1672 Bernier divided human beings according to certain of these fundamental similarities into four groups; namely, the white European, the black African, the yellow Asiatic, and the Laplander.

The Chinese and Turk, German and Cingalese, Esquimaux and Javanese, Irishman and Polynesian, Bedouin and Laplander, Austrian and Soudanese, Syrian, Nubian, and Japanese all had a temporary home within the limits of a tract of land covering eighty acres.

No Laplander or Finn of his height had ever been seen, and moreover, his face and hands were clean. They addressed him in a language that he did not understand. He replied first in English, then in Russian. Apparently they recognized the latter language, and one of them motioned to Godfrey to follow him. "You wait here till I come back, Luka.

The hoofs of the animals made no impression on the hardened snow now and again they gently shook the tinkling bells on their harness, but otherwise were very patient. The sledge was in charge of a youthful Laplander a hideous, stunted specimen of humanity, who appeared to be literally sewed up from head to foot in skins.

It is singular that the Laplander, and the inhabitant of Iceland, are as much attached to their frightful countries, as the inhabitant of Italy, France or England; and when avarice, and the thirst for a domineering command leads the Scotchman out of his native rocks and barren hills, and treeless country, he talks of it as a second paradise, and as the ancient Egyptians longed after their onions and garlics, so these half-dressed, raw-boned-mountaineers, talk in raptures of their country, of their bag-pipes, their singed sheep's head, and their "haggiss."

Her thoughts became more muddled. She said things from time to time that showed it hints that waking was not far away. 'Daddy's a wumbled Laplander, you know, after all. Hurry up! The foolish daylight speech came closer. 'Give his ink-pot one more blow, cried Monkey. Her body always slept at least an hour longer than the others. She had more time for work.

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