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He would not have been afraid with Trip, and now he found that he was dreadfully afraid. The lantern-light was a charm against ghosts, but not against rats, and the first thing Pony knew when he got into the barn a rat ran across his foot. Trip would have kept the rats off.

We both knew that the finest winter resort for shot-gun folks was in the Southwest down on the Rio Grande in Texas so we journeyed to Eagle Pass. As we got down from the train we saw Captain Febiger in his long military cloak by a lantern-light. "Got any quail staked out for us, Feb?" asked the Quartermaster.

Kseniya looked up at him with a wan smile: "It is all right there is no need to go... It was only my nonsense.... I was merely venting my anger.... Don't mind me .... I am tired and harassed. Of course I have not been purged. I know that is impossible... We are the 'heisha-girls of lantern-light'.... You remember Annensky? ... Give me your hand."

The stableman knew no such a fellow, and by the flickering lantern-light he saw the look of disappointment and concern that crossed Austin's face. "Where are you going to stay tonight?" he asked. "I do not know. I have made no inquiry about it, hoping to find my friend," the boy replied. "Every house in town is full; some folks will have to sit up at the hotel for lack of a bed.

She sat alone at breakfast and ate by lantern-light. It was necessary to take a lantern back to her cabin, and she was so long in her preparations there that Kells called again. Somehow she did not want to leave this cabin. It seemed protective and private, and she feared she might not find such quarters again.

The bearded man caught it by the lantern-light, and tethered the San Marco to her place. Then he asked, in a deep voice: "Has traido al Doctor?" "Si, si!" answered Sparicio... "Y el viejo?" "Aye! pobre!" responded Feliu, "hace tres dias que esta muerto." Henry Edwards was dead!

Apricot's voice had fallen into its characteristic sing-song, and his eyes were vacant "rose before daylight, dressed by lamplight, fed the hogs by lantern-light, fetched the cows by twilight " I thought it best to stop him. "But you did eventually get off the farm, did you not?" I asked.

A group of firemen hurried past carrying hand-extinguishers. The lantern-light gleamed wetly upon their black rubber coats and metal helmets, from under the brims of which their set faces showed grimly white. Far up the track an ambulance gong clanged frantically.

He was still lost in this emotion when steps were heard approaching and the lantern-light drew nearer. "Come, Smith, bring the prisoners in," said the same voice that had waked Sam in his tent. He looked at the speaker and recognized the tall, hatchet-faced, crook-nosed Saunders.

Black was the river as a torrent of ink; lights glanced on it from the piles of building round, ships rocked on its bosom. They rowed me up to several vessels; I read by lantern-light their names painted in great white letters on a dark ground. "The Ocean," "The Phoenix," "The Consort," "The Dolphin," were passed in turns; but "The Vivid" was my ship, and it seemed she lay further down.