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One scoundrel has been handed over to the law, another lies dead, another is in London in the hands of Langhetti's friends, the Carbonari. The worst one yet remains, and my father's voice cries to me day and night from that dreadful ship." "Your father's voice!" cried Beatrice. She looked at Despard. Their eyes met.

You know Langhetti's extraordinary pluck, and his queer way of devoting himself for others. Well, what did he do but this: as soon as the ship- fever broke out he left the cabin and took up his abode in the steerage with the sick emigrants. He is very quiet about this, and merely says that he helped to nurse the sick. I know what that means. "The mortality was terrific.

"What the devil do you mean," cried Potts, "by the dead? At any rate you are a fool; for very naturally the dead can't speak; but what concern that has with my daughter I don't know. Mind, you are playing a dangerous game in trying to bully me." Potts spoke fiercely and menacingly. Langhetti's impetuous goal kindled to a new fervor at this insulting language.

The villains at Brandon Hall were sufficiently unscrupulous, but would they dare to commit any violence? and if they did, would not Langhetti's protection save her? Such were his thoughts. Yet, on the other hand, he considered the fact that she was inexperienced, and might have peculiar ideas about a father's authority.

He looked at these two for a moment. Langhetti's eyes were closed. Mrs. Compton and her son were talking apart. Despard looked upon the lovers. "Let them love," he murmured to himself; "let them love and be happy. Heaven has its favorites. I do not envy them; I bless them, though I love without hope. Heaven has its favorites, but I am an outcast from that favor." A shudder passed through him.

From there he went to Langhetti's lodgings, and found that Langhetti had come home about one o'clock and was not yet up. Beatrice, therefore, had left by herself; and had not gone any where with Langhetti. She had not returned home. It seemed to him most probable that either voluntarily or involuntarily she had come under the control of Potts.

The idea at once flashed upon him that possibly Clark wished to pursue Langhetti, in order to find out about Beatrice. He determine on pursuit, both for Langhetti's sake and his own. He followed, therefore, not far behind Clark, riding at first rapidly till he caught sight of him at the summit of a hill in front, and then keeping at about the same distance behind him.

"You are killing yourself, and I have to sit idle and gain my safety at your expense." "The fact that you are yet safe," Brandon would reply, "is enough for me. As long as I see you sitting there I can work." "But can I do nothing? It is hard for me to sit idle while you wear out your life." "You can sing," said Brandon. "What?" "Langhetti's song," he said, and turned his face away.

My father's oldest friends never came near him. Old Langhetti was dead. His son knew nothing about this. I will tell you more of him presently. "Colonel Lionel Despard was dead. His son, Courtenay, was ignorant of all this, and was away in the North of England. There was Thornton, and I can't account for his inaction. He married Langhetti's daughter too. That is a mystery."

My God!" she cried, in Italian; "did he not did they not in their last moments think of me, and wonder how they could have been betrayed by Langhetti's daughter!" "My dear, be calm, I pray. You are blaming yourself unjustly, I assure you." Despard was ghastly pale as this conversation went on. He turned his face away.