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Among them was a group in which the reader is perhaps interested. It consisted of Mark Breezy, John Hockins, Ebony Ginger, Samuel Ravoninohitriniony, Laihova, and Voalavo.

He was closely followed by the crowd. At this point some of the pursuers stopped as if from exhaustion. "What has he done?" said Laihova to one of these. "He has been stealing in the market by cutting a lamba." It is the practice to carry money tied up in a corner of the lamba, and thieves, by cutting off this corner, sometimes manage to secure the money.

"I would that we were a handful of dust!" snorted the chief, "and we'd dash ourselves into the eyes of the Hova army and kill them while they wept!" "But there is nothing to prevent us from going forth to meet our friends," rejoined Laihova, "and we can take our spears. If they stand in need of help we may give it."

While these two were indulging their little pleasantries, the guide and his friend Laihova had gone to the top of a neighbouring bluff to consult as to the best route to adopt in the present troubled state of the country.

When the hymn ceased an exclamation from a familiar voice made them turn round, and there they saw their friend Ravonino seated on the floor with his back against the wall and chained to Laihova and to the floor.

"What will you do now?" asked Laihova. "I will remain where I am till night-fall, for I dare not show myself all bruised like this. When it is dark I will slip out and continue my journey to the coast." "To Tamatave?" asked Laihova, naming the chief seaport on the eastern side of Madagascar. "Yes, to Tamatave." "Do you go there to trade?" "No. I go on important business."

"Not wonder much, for Ingleesh drill'd um," said Laihova, who, since they parted from Ravonino, had begun to use his broken English to the best of his power. It must be said that that power was not great, even at the best.

For a few moments Laihova was silent. Then he spoke, slowly. "No. I will not leave you. Are not our friends also in the hands of God? For them, too, there is no fear. At present they are far from danger and in safe hiding, for even the outlaws the robbers who infest the forests understand something of their case; they have sympathy and will not molest them.

A quiet look of satisfaction played on the guide's features as he turned to his friend. "What says Laihova? The Englishmen are willing to do whatever we wish." "Let us go by the villages. Let us push on by night as well as by day," said Laihova. "Time flies! Ranavalona is mad! Rafaravavy is in danger!"

There was a rustling in the bushes, and next moment, Laihova, springing out, clasped Ra-Ruth in his arms. "Thank God," he said, in deep earnest tones, as he released her. "I am not too late!" "Brother," said Ramatoa, anxiously, laying a hand on the man's arm, "are you alone?" "Yes. Have not Ravoninohitriniony and Rafaravavy arrived?" "No. And and what of Mamba?" asked Ramatoa.