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Rose betimes, and to my office till church time to write two copies of my Will fair, bearing date this day, wherein I have given my sister Pall L500, my father for his owne and my mother's support L2,000, to my wife the rest of my estate, but to have L2500 secured to her, though by deducting out of what I have given my father and my sister.

"Sir, won't you put down your name for a ten-guinea proof signed by the artist?" "I'm very sorry, but I really do not see my way to taking a ten-guinea subscription." "Then, perhaps, you will take one at five the same without the signature?" "I really cannot." "You can have a numbered proof for L2, 10s." "No, thank you; you must excuse me." "You can have an ordinary proof for a guinea."

'Next we 'ave a view of the dining-hall at the Topside Hotel in London, where we see the tables set for a millionaires' banquet. The forks and spoons is made of solid gold and the plates is made of silver. The flowers that you see on the tables and 'angin' down from the ceilin' and on the walls is worth L2,000 and it cost the bloke wot give the supper over L30,000 for this one beano.

He instanced one case where a gentleman acquired a property by marriage and immediately set about raising the rent. Rent on one little holding was raised from L2 to L10 at one jump. In no case was it less than doubled. This landlord complains bitterly that the people under the influence of the Land League have turned against him.

After the result of Stuart's expedition had been reported in Adelaide, and it was seen how inadequate means alone had led to the retreat of the explorer, the Government voted L2,500 to equip a larger and better-organized party, of which he was to take command.

In Zeppelin L2, which was a later type of craft, there were four motors capable of developing 820 horse-power. These drove four propellers, which gave the craft a speed of about 45 miles an hour. The cars were connected by a gangway built within the framework. On the top of the gas-chambers was a platform of aluminium alloy, carrying a 1-pounder gun, and used also as an observation station.

L2,000 laid out on seven hundred head of cattle, if good runs be procured, might increase the capital in five years from L2,000 to L6,000, besides enabling the owner to maintain himself, pay wages, etc. Manuscript letter from G. B. Wilkinson. London once more! How strange, lone, and savage I feel in the streets!

We won victory in the field and at the cost of our own ruin. We smashed Germany and Austria and Turkey, but the structure of our own wealth and industry was shattered, and the very foundations of our power were shaken and sapped. Nine months after the armistice Great Britain was spending at the rate of L2,000,000 a day in excess of her revenue.

Now my grandfather conceived a great friendship for the father of this young lady; gave him a hint as to a new pattern in spotted cottons; enticed him to take out a patent, and lent him L700. for the speculation; applied for the money at the very moment cottons were at their worst, and got the daughter instead of the money, by which exchange, you see, he won L2,520., to say nothing of the young lady.

Otis obtained a judgment of L2,000 against Robinson for the attack, but when the penitent officer made a written apology for his irreparable offense, the sufferer refused to take a penny. In 1771 he was elected to the legislature, and sometimes afterward appeared in court and in the town meeting, but found himself unable to take part in public business.