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Updated: August 22, 2024

Bonnie Bell, too, if she'd been on inspection for them, same as Tom Kimberly was with us, certainly'd more than made good. Likewise, I suppose our sheep and gondola pictures must of made good too. We couldn't exactly of been classed as heathen not unless me and Old Man Wright was.

In the home ranch he's more particular, and he says, "Come and git it!" when dinner's ready. But here, in our new house, our butler, William, always'd gumshoe in and say it so low you couldn't hardly hear him: "Dinner is served, Miss Wright." But, as them kids was a little late in coming, Old Man Kimberly finds time to take another nip. "Why, Wilfred!" says his wife to him, "I'm surprised!"

Mr. Kimberly responded by saying that they never had one in the house of the name. "Well, I thought not," observed the principal. "There was one had in for a short time, you know, while Hopkins was ill. I forget his name." "His name was Druitt, sir.

As for Bonnie Bell, she was pleasant, like she always was; but it didn't seem to me she laughed as much as usual. We was all of us showing off our goods. When they come to go away, Katherine she hugged Bonnie Bell tighter than ever, and Old Man Kimberly held her hand for quite a while. "You'll take pity on a old man, won't you," says he, "and come to see us often? You really must."

Instinctively there come to mind the struggles of Cronje, DeWet, Joubert, and the rest of those Boer leaders who made this region a small Valhalla. Late in the afternoon of the second day you suddenly get a "feel" of industry. The veldt becomes populated and before long huge smokestacks loom against the sky. You are at Kimberly.

It would cause him to suck in his bottom lip while thinking to himself, "As if she had not urged it on as if I would have had this relationship with Kimberly, as much as I may have wanted it, without this being asked...twice having it pushed onto who am weak when importuned twice on such matters...weak for beautiful women... not that I have ever had situations like this one presented to me before.

"You're right," said Pete, "and it's some of ourselves that's to blame for it." "How's that?" said somebody. "Aisy enough," said Pete. "When I came home from Kimberly I met an ould fisherman you know the man, Billy well, you do, Dan Phil Nelly, of Ramsey. 'How's the fishing, Phil? says I. He gave me a Hm! and a heise of his neck, and 'I'm not fishing no more, says he.

This was the first time the Kimberlys had ever et at our house, except cookies and tea and things in the parlor or in the ranch room. When Mrs. Kimberly come into our big dining-room she taken one look up and down. Maybe she'd been thinking it was like the ranch room all the way through. That showed how little she knew about Bonnie Bell.

The right front battalion was commanded by Colonel R.L. Kimberly of the 41st Ohio, the left by Colonel O.H. Payne of the 124th Ohio, the rear battalions by Colonel J.C. Foy, 23d Kentucky, and Colonel W.W. Berry, 5th Kentucky all brave and skillful officers, tested by experience on many fields.

May I see your things?" Now what she said last wasn't any bluff. It was just the girl in her talking to another girl. I seen Bonnie Bell give her another look, kind of asting like she herself was free and friendly every way; but she hadn't been used to this right along lately. So she looks at this Katherine Kimberly right close for about half a second, till she seen she was on the square.

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