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We must get married soon, for our old daddy is more than seventy " "I am quite happy here," said she. "You love no one but your ugly old father?" asked Peyrade. "Why, whom should I love?" "I am dining at home, my darling; go and tell Katt. I am thinking of settling, of getting an appointment, and finding a husband worthy of you; some good young man, very clever, whom you may some day be proud of "

On reaching his house in the Rue des Vignes, one of the quietest and prettiest nooks of the little town of Passy, Corentin, who was known there as a retired merchant passionately devoted to gardening, found his friend Peyrade's note in cipher. Instead of resting, he got into the hackney coach that had brought him thither, and was driven to the Rue des Moineaux, where he found only Katt.

I feel that I am dropping, and my brain is not quite clear. Just now I fancied I was in a garden " Corentin took Lydie in his arms, and she lost consciousness; he carried her upstairs. "Katt!" he called. Katt came out with exclamations of joy. "Don't be in too great a hurry to be glad!" said Corentin gravely; "the girl is very ill."

"Though you have been such a fool as give us this hold for our clutches, you still have sense enough to meditate on this ultimatum from our government. Do not bark, say nothing to any one; go to Contenson's, and change your dress, and then go home. Katt will tell you that at a word from you your little Lydie went downstairs, and has not been seen since.

There were garret rooms above the fourth floor, one of them a kitchen, and the other a bedroom for Pere Canquoelle's only servant, a Fleming named Katt, formerly Lydie's wet-nurse. Old Canquoelle had taken one of the outside rooms for his bedroom, and the other for his study. The study ended at the party-wall, a very thick one.

Katt, another patriot, assembled a number of veterans at Stendal and advanced as far as Magdeburg, but was compelled to flee to the Brunswickers in Bohemia. What might not have been the result had the plan of the Archduke Charles to march rapidly through Franconia been followed on the opening of the campaign?

And when I met any one that seemed decent, I asked my way to get back to the Boulevards, so as to find the Rue de la Paix. And at last, after walking What o'clock is it, monsieur?" "Half-past eleven," said Corentin. "I escaped at nightfall," said Lydie. "I have been walking for five hours." "Well, come along; you can rest now; you will find your good Katt." "Oh, monsieur, there is no rest for me!

I will not go to him I am the injured and dishonored one; it is his duty to repair my wrongs. But he will not come I know it. I read it to-day in his face. The world has killed his heart; it has turned to stone in his breast a gravestone for his dear-loved Katt and for Dorris Ritter." "He will come; I say to you he will! Hear me, Dorris; you will not go to him?

"I have never seen but one yet that I should have liked for a husband " "You have seen one then?" "Yes, in the Tuileries," replied Lydie. "He walked past me; he was giving his arm to the Comtesse de Serizy." "And his name is?" "Lucien de Rubempre. I was sitting with Katt under a lime-tree, thinking of nothing.

And, I tell you, only your bad sort know how to do such things but often has he given me ten francs to go and gamble with..." After this funeral oration, Peyrade's two avengers went back to Lydie's room, hearing Katt and the medical officer from the Mairie on the stairs. "Go and fetch the Chief of Police," said Corentin.