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Presently I received a letter from Don Justo, sent express, to intimate that the muleteers had proceeded immediately after we had started for about a mile beyond the suburbs, where they were stopped by the officer of a kind of military post or barrier, under pretence of the passport being irregular; and this difficulty was no sooner cleared up, than the accounts of a bullfight, that was unexpectedly to take place that forenoon, reached them, when the whole bunch, half drunk as they were, started off to Panama again, leaving the money with the soldiers; nor would they return, or be prevailed on to proceed, until the following morning.

Caesar would have liked to go on listening to what this gentleman said, but Don Justo joined him. The Trappist was in front of two mummies, explaining something, and he wanted Caesar to translate what he was saying. Caesar did this bit of interpreting for him. The candles were beginning to burn out and it was necessary to leave.

"With so good a friend, the formality was not necessary." "Where is he? I want to know." He hesitated, then put his hand into his pocket, and pulled out Mr. John's livid body; the blue lips of the corpse moved, and uttered painfully the words: "Justo judico Dei judicatus sum; justo judicio Dei condemnatus sum."

As it was, the noble animal, before he let go, brought the culprit to the ground like a shot. I immediately stood forward, and got the feud soldered as well as I could, in which the worthy Justo cordially lent me a hand.

"Well, I am glad to know it," Don Justo burst forth, "because I was going to buy some medals for presents, and now I won't buy them." Don Calixto smiled, and Caesar understood that the good Canon was taking advantage of the information to save a penny. Don Calixto and the Canon were very anxious to visit the Catacombs.

Thus keeping on the wing as I have described, it was her practice to cruise about behind the chairs, occasionally snatching pieces of food from before the guests, so slyly, that the first intimation of her intentions was the appearance of her yellow shrivelled birdlike claw in your plate. The brother of our host was a little stout man, but still very like Senor Justo himself.

"You haven't much desire to sacrifice yourself," retorted Don Calixto. "Because I believe it is damp and unwholesome down there, and a Christian bronchitis would not be wholly pleasant, despite its religious origin. And besides, as you already know, one must go without food." "We might eat something there," said Don Justo. "Eat there!" exclaimed Caesar.

These two ships fired at her in return, as did the San Leandro ahead, and the San Justo and Indomitable, until other ships came up and engaged them. The action was now general.

Thus, Justo and Pastor wandered forth again from village to village, running away from the infidels until they reposed temporarily in the cathedral of Huesca in the north of Aragon. In Alcalá their memory was kept alive in the parish church dedicated to them.

"Where is he? for God's sake tell me; I insist upon knowing." With some hesitation, he put his hand into his pocket, and drew out the altered and pallid form of Mr. John by the hair of his head, whose livid lips uttered the awful words, "Justo judicio Dei judicatus sum; justo judicio Dei condemnatus sum" "I am judged and condemned by the just judgment of God."