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Baker mentioned some of the best singers in Chester, and among the rest, a printer of the name of Janson, who had a good bass voice, and was one of the best musicians in the choir.

Thus was Tommy's joy complete; not so the poor negro whose ill luck he shared. This high-sounding mayor's court was like Caesar's court, with the exceptions in Caesar's favor. SEVERAL days had passed ere we again introduce the reader to the cell of the imprisoned stewards. The captain of the Janson had been assured by Mr.

Man is again endowed with power from on high to preach the gospel and administer its ordinances to those who believe." Rupert listened with deepest interest. He became as a disciple at her feet. They talked far into the night, and when Mr. and Mrs. Janson came home they found them bending low over the fire reading from the "good old book."

I am told that they came into existence as a sect about 1830; in 1843 their chief preacher was a man of some energy, Eric Janson by name; and he taught them the duty of living after the manner of the Primitive Christian Church, inculcating humble and prayerful lives, equality of conditions, and community of property.

A time was fixed for this private rehearsal at the Golden Falcon, where Handel had taken up his residence; when, on trial of a chorus in the Messiah, poor Janson, after repeated attempts, failed completely, Handel got enraged, and after abusing him in five or six different languages, exclaimed in broken English, "You schauntrel, tit not you dell me dat you could sing at soite?"

He stepped from the train in Paris at five o'clock and, at eight o'clock, returned to the Lycee Janson together with his schoolfellows. Ganimard, after a minute, but utterly useless exploration of the ruins of Ambrumesy, returned to Paris by the fast night-train. On reaching his apartment in the Rue Pergolese, he found an express letter awaiting him: *

The mate plead a preference for Savannah, asserting, according to his own knowlege, that a ship of any draft could cross that bar at any time of tide, and that it was a better port for the transaction of business. The Janson was headed for Charleston, the queen city of the sunny South, and, as may be expected from her disabled condition, made very slow progress on her course.

The consul adopted the best means in his power to make them all comfortable and satisfied with their discharge. Their several register-tickets were given up to them, and one by one left for his place of destination; Tommy and the second mate only preferring to remain and seek some new voyage. The old chief mate seemed to congratulate himself in the condemnation of the unlucky Janson.

"Hush!" cried The Sparrow suddenly. "What a fool I am! I quite forgot to close the ventilator in the room to which the young fellow has been shown! I hope he hasn't overheard! I had Evans and Janson in there an hour ago, and they were discussing me, as I expected they would!

As soon as I get another man, we'll despatch her in grand style, and no mistake." The Captain thought of his second mate, and suggested him at once. "Just the chap. My old man would like him, I know," said George, and they returned directly to the Janson, where they found the second mate lashing his dunnage. The proposition was made and readily accepted.