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No wonder ye don't care to talk of the gurls they'll have none of ye." "We'll be satisfied if they'll have you, Barney. I'm sure that's magnanimous. But if your jalap takes as much time in working Old Schnapps as you take in explaining it, the war will be over, and we shall have seen none of it." "It's too great a conception to be hastily set forth. Give me time.

He was the sham adversary but the real accomplice of Peel, pulling up lies by the root to plant others equally noxious. In 1830 Bentham had even to hold up 'Master Peel' as a 'model good boy' to the self-styled reformer. Brougham needs a dose of jalap instead of pap, for he cannot even spell the 'greatest happiness principle' properly.

Her frequent visits to the closet, where all her consolation was deposited, inspired the confederates with a device which had like to have been attended with tragical consequences. They found an opportunity to infuse jalap in one of her case-bottles; and she took so largely of this medicine, that her constitution had well nigh sunk under the violence of its effect.

When Blinks saw that it was impossible to discover the guilty party, he ordered his steward to make a nice large pie, into which he put two doses of jalap. It was his intention to make the offender sick; and he told the doctor what he had done, and requested him to keep an eye on all who came to him for medicine.

Or when aloes will not agree with the patient, take two drams of the extract of jalap, two drams of vitriolated tartar, and as much syrup of ginger as will form them of a proper consistence for pills. Four or five of these pills will generally prove a sufficient purge; and for keeping the body gently open, one may be taken night and morning.

"Please, sir, couldn't you give her a dose of jalap, or something comforting o' that sort, to bring her to?" asked he, pointing with his thumb indoors, as he stamped across the road to the forge. Mrs. Peckaby had calmed down from the rampant state to one of prostration. She sat in her kitchen behind the shop, nursing her knees, and moaning. Mrs.

"Good-evening; will you walk in?" he said. It was a pleasant, cheery voice, one to make a sick person feel well. "Please step into the office." Robert entered a room smelling of rhubarb, jalap, ipecac, and other medicines in bottles and packages on the shelves. Sincere and hearty were the thanks of Doctor Warren for the present. "I want Mrs. Warren to make your acquaintance," he said.

And first she pulled all their teeth out; and then she bled them all round: and then she dosed them with calomel, and jalap, and salts and senna, and brimstone and treacle; and horrible faces they made; and then she gave them a great emetic of mustard and water, and no basons; and began all over again; and that was the way she spent the morning.

The Lama perched a saddle on a stone, and burning incense before it, scattered rice to the winds, invoking Kinchin, Donkia, and all the neighbouring peaks. A strong dose of calomel and jalap, which we poured down the sick lad's throat, contributed materially to the success of these incantations.

We have not a single shop in the whole handful of houses excepting the 'tabac et timbres' establishment where jalap and lollipops are sold likewise and one hovel, the owner of which calls himself, on its outside, 'Cordonnier': yet there is this 'Hotel' and an auberge or two serving to house travellers who are dismissed from the Convent at times inconvenient for reaching Grenoble; or so I suppose.