United States or Malta ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

There were no proper cupboards for their clothes; what cupboards there were either would not close at all, or burst open whenever anyone passed by them. There were no pots and pans; there was no copper in the washhouse, nor even an ironing-board in the maids' room. Finding instead of peace and rest all these, from her point of view, fearful calamities, Darya Alexandrovna was at first in despair.

And they call it God's own country!" "I think you're falling into the ways of the country very well, however!" retorted Nora as she struggled across to the table with the heavy ironing-board. "Do you? What makes you think that?" "You can stand there and smoke your pipe and watch me carry the ironing-board about." "I beg your pardon. Did you want me to help you?" "Never mind.

The laundress reasoned from past experience that the font had gone dry, and suddenly remembered that she was promised to help with the Bowers's heavy ironing. This was at a quarter before nine o'clock. At ten minutes past nine o'clock the laundress remarked across the ironing-board to Mrs.

Ambition was awakened in her before she was ten years of age, when she began to learn and to recite poems learning them, as has been said, "between the wash-tub and the ironing-board," and reciting them to the admiration of older and wiser people than she.

Not since I left the warm California garden had I been as peaceful and as comfortable. The heat made me so drowsy that not even the thump, bump of Nora's iron on the ironing-board, or the sound of her shrill singing could keep me awake. I dreamed and dozed, and dozed and dreamed all day, in a blissful state of contentment.

We pulled aside these trappings of gloom, and there were two iron cots, not over a foot and a half wide, about the shape and feeling of an ironing-board, covered with what appeared to be gray army blankets, I looked to see "U.S." stamped on them. I have seen them in museums at home. I gazed at my companion in perfect dismay. "I shall not present a single letter of introduction," I wailed.

The Arabs have a proverb that to him who is shod it is as if the whole world were covered with leather, and rubber heels similarly cause every floor in the house, whether bare or carpeted, to be equally easy to the feet of the busy housewife. The laundry should be supplied with two tubs, an ironing-table, an ironing-board, and a stove for the boiler and the irons.

Besides, he felt that, in his officially invalid capacity, a certain license was permitted him. So, when he found his flannels in the boot cupboard, he came and flung them onto the table where Aggie bent over her ironing-board. A feeble fury shook him. "Nobody but a fool," he said, "would ram good flannels into a filthy boot cupboard." "I didn't," said Aggie, in a strange, uninterested voice.

Raymond remembered that long ago, when he was a small boy, his mother had once shut him up in the dark closet behind the kitchen chimney, because he had made a mud-pie on the ironing-board. That closet had seemed black enough, but what was it compared with this? Besides, Rosamund had come after a while and secretly let him out, and they had spent the afternoon together in the barn.

In the kitchen, the muffled pounding of a sad-iron upon the padded ironing-board. "Ma!" Mrs. Ericson's whitey-yellow hair, pale eyes, and small nervous features were shadowed behind the cotton fly-screen. "Vell?" she said. "I haven't got noth-ing to do-o." "Go pile the vood." "I piled piles of it." "Then you can go and play." "I been playing." "Then play some more."