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"Do ye no see," asked Sanders compassionately, "'at he's tryin' to mat the best o't?" "Oh, Sanders, man!" said Sam'l. "Cheer up, Sam'l," said Sanders, "it'll sune be ower." Their having been rival suitors had not interfered with their friendship. On the contrary, while they had hitherto been mere acquaintances, they became inseparables as the wedding-day drew near.

The friendship which united these four men, and the need they felt of seeing another three or four times a day, whether for dueling, business, or pleasure, caused them to be continually running after one another like shadows; and the Inseparables were constantly to be met with seeking one another, from the Luxembourg to the Place St. Sulpice, or from the Rue du Vieux-Colombier to the Luxembourg.

Instantly the situation adjusted itself in his imagination. The two inseparables father and daughter, sailors both, their lives passed together on ship board, and the "Lady Letty" their dream, their ambition, a vessel that at last they could call their own.

A number of young girls had stood about her admiring it she remembered well who they were; the Inseparables, of course, and to please them she had slipped it from its chain. Then something had happened, something which diverted her attention entirely, and she had gone home without the medallion; had, in fact, forgotten it, only to recall its loss now.

"Oh, I'm not going to separate the inseparables," he said in his usual bantering tone. "I'm going with Mihail Vassilievitch. I'm ordered exercise by the doctors too. I'll walk, and fancy myself at the springs again." "There's no hurry," said Anna. "Would you like tea?" She rang. "Bring in tea, and tell Seryozha that Alexey Alexandrovitch is here. Well, tell me, how have you been?

The girls will call you 'The Inseparables." "I wouldn't mind being inseparable from Clover," said Katy, laughing. Next day was Saturday. It was nominally a holiday; but so many tasks were set for it, that it hardly seemed like one.

In the old days they were the inseparables, the Frontier and Judge Lynch. If a white man killed a Mexican or Indian nothing was done, except perhaps to hold a farce of a trial with the killer in the end turned loose; and if a white man killed another white man there was seldom much outcry, unless the case was cold-blooded murder or the killer was already unpopular.

Since the three inseparables had realised their dream of meeting together in Paris, which they were bent upon conquering, their life had been terribly hard. They had tried to renew the long walks of old.

Struck with foreboding, but alive to his duty as host, he forced his glances away, and did not even allow himself to question the motive or the wisdom of the temptation thus offered. Two hours later and the girls were all in one room. It was a custom of the Inseparables to meet for a chat before retiring, but always alone and in the room of one of their number.

"Yes'm, it's just a lovely world to-day, only only there's one thing, Miss Joslyn." "What is it?" "I think Lucy Berry and Ada Singer have had a quarrel." "Oh, the inseparables? I guess not," the teacher smiled. "Yes'm. The worst is, I think it's about me. Could I go out in the dressing-room to get my handkerchief, and see if they're on their usual window-sill?"