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The young King took great interest in the proposed voyage; he sent word over the country that the American was the guest of all Spain, and requested his people to receive him hospitably.

After Proctor had left us, Thorwald came into my room a moment and I said to him: "Proctor is a friend of yours, is he not?" "Certainly," answered Thorwald, "what could he be but a friend? But then I never saw him before today." "Is it possible? Are strangers always treated so hospitably?" "I see nothing unusual in his treatment of us.

Here the shades were drawn down, a pitcher of ice-water was hospitably placed on the stand, and a cheery fire was started on the small hearth. Over this last extravagance the bride faintly demurred, but Henry silenced her with his simple grandeur of insistence. It was a cool November evening, and he had noticed that she shivered in her thin wrap as they drove up-town.

Not long before, having offended the Sultan, he had fled into Egypt, and there became acquainted with the missionaries. Having made his peace with the Sultan and returned to Deir el-Kamr, his capital, the brethren visited him there, and were hospitably entertained, and furnished with a firmân for travelling in all parts of his dominions. 1 See Missionary Herald, 1824, pp. 65-71, 97-101. Mr.

He is revolving such thoughts when Fricka, who believes all their trouble now ended, approaches him with sweet words, and directs his eyes to the beautiful dwelling hospitably awaiting its masters. "An evil price I paid for the building!" Wotan replies heavily. Mists are still hanging over the valley, clinging to the heights; nor have the clouds yet wholly lifted from their spirits.

It had been recently built and whitewashed, and looked out hospitably with its wide light windows from the thick foliage of the old limes and maples. 'So what message do you give me for Darya Mihailovna? began Pandalevsky, slightly hurt at the fate of the flower he had given her. 'Will you come to dinner? She invites your brother too. 'Yes; we will come, most certainly. And how is Natasha?

Well entertain them as hospitably as we can." In a few minutes the savages were all seated on the ground in front of the bower making a hearty meal off a cold roast pig, several ducks, and a variety of cold fish, together with an unlimited supply of cocoa-nuts, bread-fruits, yams, taro, and plums; with all of which they seemed to be quite familiar and perfectly satisfied.

"I thought you'd be coming along about this time." Peter threw his hat and coat at the whale, whose large, shining surface hospitably received them. Mrs. This animal she had herself created before the birth of Peter or Ena, but it was as bright a beast as if it had been finished yesterday. No one at Sea Gull Manor except Peter would have given Fido house room.

The second point was that, in the event of any of our countrymen being cast, in God's providence, as shipwrecked men on the coast of Japan, they should not be treated as prisoners, confined in cages, or subjected to inhuman treatment, but should be received with kindness and hospitably cared for until they could leave the country.

Here we found ourselves located and hospitably entertained in the house in which our unfortunate fellow-countrywomen were confined on their recapture from the river by the Nana Sahib, one of the few mementos of the mutiny still left standing at Cawnpore.