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The Lord, peerless is He, hath made woman and man to abide with each other in the closest companionship, and to be even as a single soul. They are two helpmates, two intimate friends, who should be concerned about the welfare of each other.

None of the thrusts and jibes of the alleged funny men will apply to her as a mother-in-law. One would not readily identify Mrs. Harding as the wife of a famous railway magnate. Wealth certainly has not turned her motherly head. Of course, she is a little woman. Huge men such as Harding invariably select dolls of women for helpmates.

Will the Allies be such valued commercial helpmates to each other? Perhaps not. When this war is over the fighting countries will be impoverished by years of drain and waste. As a result, they will be poorer customers for each other, but very sharp competitors. International trade is merely an exchange of goods for goods. You cannot sell without buying, and vice versa.

He felt curiously depressed, immeasurably out of touch with these who should have been his helpmates. The sight of Julia just then would have been a joy to him. "Perhaps," Maraton began, with a little sigh, "I had better first explain my own position. You are each of you Members of Parliament for a particular district.

"Well," said the Colonel, "Jones died, I believe; but his family are as industrious as ever, and have made money enough to live comfortable; but the scamps have turned out perfect helpmates of the abolitionists, and make their intelligence figure at the bottom of many an escape. But Lee's case is as hard as Jones's.

Here, too, were women, good mothers to their children and good wives to their husbands, untiring helpmates, regarding their responsibilities as mutual, and untroubled as yet by thoughts of their own individual identities or what their respective husbands owed to them.

The principal object of these fraternities appears to be deception; and particularly if a magistrate or a sheriff should be a conscientious, humane man, their study, their occupation is to deceive him, in which they are very likely to succeed; for a clever gaoler, surrounded by such pliant helpmates, will deceive the very devil, if he be not aware of their tricks; and how easily then may they cheat an honest, unsuspecting country justice!

Our mother reproved Eliza for this, although it was the heel of her own foot; and then to satisfy our uncle, she promised to call Farmer Nicholas Snowe, to be of our council that evening, 'And if the young maidens would kindly come, without taking thought to smoothe themselves, why it would be all the merrier, and who knew but what Uncle Huckaback might bless the day of his robbery, etc., etc. and thorough good honest girls they were, fit helpmates either for shop or farm. All of which was meant for me; but I stuck to my platter and answered not.

'If you put us on so we can scoop Black Bill, I'll pay you a hundred dollars out of my own out of our own pockets. That's liberal, says he. 'You ain't entitled to anything. Now, what do you say? "'Cash down now? I asks. "The captain has a sort of discussion with his helpmates, and they all produce the contents of their pockets for analysis.

The bridesmaids, down to little Jane Gradgrind, were, in an intellectual point of view, fit helpmates for the calculating boy; and there was no nonsense about any of the company. After breakfast, the bridegroom addressed them in the following terms: 'Ladies and gentlemen, I am Josiah Bounderby of Coketown.