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Cain then turned to Hawkhurst, who was close to him, but the mate appeared to be in a state of stupor; he had not recovered from his first terror, and still imagined the appearance of Cain to be supernatural. 'Villain! exclaimed Cain, putting his mouth close to Hawkhurst's ear; 'doubly d d villain! thou'lt die like a dog, and unrevenged! The boy is safe, and I'm alive!

'Hawkhurst! down at once to the spirit-room and see to the money; in the meantime I will ask a few questions of this reverend father. 'And the supercargo do you want him any more? 'No; he may go.

Hawkhurst perceived that he had lost ground, and he changed his manner. 'I speak but for yourself: if you do not command this vessel I shall not remain in her; if you quit her, I quit also; and we must find another. Cain was pacified, and the subject was not renewed. 'Turn the hands up, at last said the captain. The pirate crew assembled aft.

'Edward! dear Edward! said Clara at last, in a faint voice, clinging more closely to him; 'and am I then rescued by thee, dearest! Edward felt the appeal; but his jealousy had not yet subsided. 'Who is that, Clara? said he sternly. 'It is Francisco. No pirate, Edward, but my preserver. 'Ha, ha! laughed Hawkhurst, with a bitter sneer, for he perceived how matters stood.

The sentence was not finished; for Hawkhurst, when Cain's arms were upheld, perceived his knife in his girdle, and, with the rapidity of thought, he drew it out, and passed it through the body of the pirate-captain. Cain fell heavily on the floor while the court was again in confusion. Hawkhurst was secured, and Cain raised from the ground.

He was arguing in his own mind upon the course he should pursue with respect to Francisco, when Hawkhurst made his appearance on deck, followed by his men, who dragged up six individuals who had escaped the massacre.

Francisco waited for the book. "Shove off!" cried Hawkhurst. "Give me my book, Mr Hawkhurst!" "No!" replied the malignant rascal, tossing the Bible over the taffrail; "he shall not have that. I've heard say that there is consolation in it for the afflicted."

'Hawkhurst, said Francisco, 'I have but one request to make, which, if complied with, will put an end to this contention; it is, that you will put me on shore at the first land that we make. If you and your party engage to do this, I will desire those who support me to return to their obedience. 'I grant it, replied Hawkhurst; 'and so will the others. Will you not, my men?

"He reappears from the grave to prove thine innocence, Francisco!" said a deep, hollow voice, which startled the whole court, and most of all Hawkhurst and the prisoners at the bar. Still more did fear and horror distort their countenances when into the witness-box stalked the giant form of Cain.

You're not going to take up the cudgels for him, are you?" "I am sorry to say I cannot," replied the Doctor gravely; "and if this sad business rested upon his word alone, I should not have acted as I have; but, as you have heard and will hear, Sir Hawkhurst, we have terribly strong evidence. I wish it were otherwise."