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Brigham sent for him the next day and did him the honour to entrust to him an important mission. He was to go back to the Missouri River and bring on one of the hand-cart parties that were to leave there that summer. The three years of famine had left the Saints in the valley poor, so that the immigration fund was depleted.

But one day, I was toiling between the shafts of a hand-cart, assisted by two boys, drawing it along from the shore loaded with coral blocks. Youwili came rushing from his house, three hundred yards or so off the path, and said, "Missi, that is too hard for you. Let me be your helper!"

He certainly paid, he did that, but we are more than half through the second term and I have no news of my tenant." "And have you never seen him since?" "Yes, once no, twice. Let's see three times, I am sure. He came with a hand-cart and a commissionaire, and had a big chest taken downstairs a case which he said contained wine in bottles.... "No, he came before that, with a workman I think.

Thus the boys absolutely knew the growth of their circulation by the weight of their bundles and the number of their front-platform trips each month. Soon a baker's hand-cart was leased for an evening, and that was added to the capacity of the front platforms. Then one eventful month it was seen that a horse-truck would have to be employed.

We next examined the yard itself, a small paved enclosure with a gate opening on an alley, and occupied at the moment by an empty beer-barrel, a builder's hand-cart and a dead cat. "'Like to thee the upstairth roomth? inquired the Hebrew gentleman, whose name I understood to be Nathan. I nodded abstractedly and followed him up the stairs, gathering a general impression of all-pervading dirt.

Andiamo Do-o-o!" and he roared out a great note that made the room shake, and a man who was selling cabbage in the street stopped his hand-cart and mimicked him for five minutes. "But I am out of breath, maestro," protested Nino, who wanted to talk. "Out of breath? A singer is never out of breath. Absurd!

"Oh, listen!" she cried; "something's coming!" They listened in breathless silence, while the sound of wheels came down the street towards the empty door. Then an old hand-cart appeared in the doorway and behind it William in his strange attire, and Joan in her fairy-like white white cloak, white dress, white socks and shoes her bright curls clustered with gleaming fog jewels.

There's a widow lady's been asking me to go in on it with her; it has a garden back of it Jacky could play in last summer there was a reg'lar hedge of golden glow inside the fence! Mr. Curtis, you'd 'a' laughed! He pinched an orange off a hand-cart yesterday, just as cute! 'Course I gave him a good slap, and paid the man; but I had to laugh, he was so smart.

His feline eye had just descried, in the recess of a carriage door, what is called in painting, an ensemble, that is to say, a person and a thing; the thing was a hand-cart, the person was a man from Auvergene who was sleeping therein. The shafts of the cart rested on the pavement, and the Auvergnat's head was supported against the front of the cart.

The next day Évariste had to give judgment on the fate of a poor woman, the widow Meyrion. She distributed bread from house to house and tramped the streets pushing a little hand-cart and carrying a wooden tally hung at her waist, on which she cut notches with her knife representing the number of the loaves she had delivered. Her gains amounted to eight sous a day.