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Grisland seems to be the island which lies to the eastward of Iceland, called Enkhuyzen; perhaps the island of Grims-ey to the north, of Iceland. Forst. Probably Hamer, a place on the north of Mainland. Forst. Engrgroneland, Groenland, or Greenland. Forst. The poultry here mentioned in the text; must have been ptarmagans and the flesh that of the reindeer. Forst.

The women are tatued as described by Hamer down the front of the shin with two parallel lines connected by transverse cross-bars; according to our informant the design was supposed to represent a flat fish, such as a sole.

'You'll sell it all right, said Hamer, shaking his fist, 'but I shan't buy it; you won't last out a year among us. He turned away abruptly. 'And I don't want that lad to stroll in and out of the settlement, he called back, 'I don't keep a schoolmaster here for you! 'That's nothing to me; he needn't go if you grudge him the room.

'Nothing of the kind, said Slimak; 'I've come to tell Hamer that he is a scoundrel. He related his experience. 'What have I done? he asked. 'Soon I may not be able to earn anything; is one to starve because it pleases them? 'The truth is, said the schoolmaster, 'that you are a thorn in their flesh. 'Why?

'I entreat the favour of being allowed to cart for the gentlemen. This humility pleased the Jew. 'Go over there, my dear fellow, he said, 'perhaps they will take you on. Slimak bowed again and made his way through the crowd with difficulty. Among other carts he saw those of the settlers. Fritz Hamer came forward to meet him; he seemed to be in a position of some authority there.

'How should I know? there are two of them, and they came twice, an old man and one with a beard. They want my hill to put up a windmill, they say. 'That's Hamer, said the girl under her breath to her father. 'Oh, Hamer, repeated the invalid, 'he has caused us difficulties enough.

I've said to myself: I will have a mill at Wolka, and a mill at Wolka I have, although the Jews twice set fire to it. I said: My son shall be a doctor, and a doctor he will be. And now I've said: Hamer, your son must have a windmill, so he must have a windmill. Pour out another glass, Wilhelm, good my son-in-law brews it. What? no more beer? Then we'll go to bed.

I have said before that Hamer was one of the ablest men Ohio ever produced. At that time he was in the prime of life, being less than fifty years of age, and possessed an admirable physique, promising long life. But he was taken sick before Monterey, and died within a few days.

When Congressman Hamer was asked for the full name of his protégé to be inserted in the warrant, he knew that his name was Ulysses, and was sure there was more of it. He knew that the maiden name of his friend's wife was Simpson. At a venture, he gave the boy's name as Ulysses Simpson Grant.

I have said before that Hamer was one of the ablest men Ohio ever produced. At that time he was in the prime of life, being less than fifty years of age, and possessed an admirable physique, promising long life. But he was taken sick before Monterey, and died within a few days.