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Bailey confided to my mother the fact that Bartlett had been dismissed, and that the doctor had forbidden his son's return home. The Honorable Thomas L. Hamer, one of the ablest men Ohio ever produced, was our member of Congress at the time, and had the right of nomination. In politics they differed. Hamer was a life-long Democrat, while my father was a Whig.

'That's true, but I am afraid they think more of the Germans than of our people. 'How could they think more of unbelievers? 'Look at the police-sergeant, he talks to Hamer as he wouldn't even talk to Gryb. 'That is so, but when he has looked round to see that no one is listening, he tells you that a German is a mangy dog.

Among the troops that joined us at Matamoras was an Ohio regiment, of which Thomas L. Hamer, the Member of Congress who had given me my appointment to West Point, was major. He told me then that he could have had the colonelcy, but that as he knew he was to be appointed a brigadier-general, he preferred at first to take the lower grade.

At that moment violins and cellos struck up; Wilhelm Hamer came heavily bounding along and took the girl away to dance. Her yearning eyes once more rested on Jendrek's face. He felt that something strange was happening to him.

While Hamer was driving the stake into the ground the procession, slowly coming up to him, continued: 'Our utmost might is all in vain, We straight had been rejected, But for us fights the perfect Man By God Himself elected; Ye ask: Who may He be? The Lord Christ is He! The God, by hosts ador'd, Our great Incarnate Lord, Who all His foes will vanquish.

'And you can tell him from me that I have rented the field by the river from Midsummer Day, Hamer called after him. 'But dad rented it from the squire! Hamer laughed...'The squire! We are the squires now, and the field is mine. As Jendrek neared the road he came upon a peasant, hidden behind a bush, who had been watching. It was Gryb. 'Be praised, said Jendrek.

'Let's go after them, Fritz interrupted quickly. 'Go on! I... steal your hog! indeed! 'Let me go, father, begged Jendrek. 'Go indoors! We've saved them a hog and the thieves will revenge themselves on us; and here they come and accuse me of being a thief myself. Fritz Hamer swore at the farm-hand for his clumsiness and tried to pacify the peasant, but he turned his back on him.

The italics are the general's. They make it plain that he did not think it prudent to make further objection when his father had reached a decision. Little did Congressman Thomas L. Hamer imagine that in doing this favor for his friend, Jesse Grant, he was doing the one thing that would secure remembrance of his name by coming generations.

A peasant among settlers will always be at a disadvantage, said the old man, with his pipe between his teeth. 'Sell me your land; I'll give you a hundred roubles an acre. Slimak shook his head. 'You are mad, Pan Hamer, I don't know what you mean. Isn't it enough that I am obliged to sell the beast? Now you want me to sell everything. If you want me to leave, carry me out into the churchyard.

The Germans treated him to smoked ham and excellent brandy, and Fritz Hamer explained that they suspected two discharged manor-servants, Kuba Sukiennik and Jasiek Eogacz, of stealing the horses. 'They have been arrested before for stealing locks off the doors, but had to be released because there were no witnesses, said the sergeant. 'Which of the gentlemen shot at them?