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I immediately agreed to go with one Capt. John Hamer, for seven guineas, the passage to London, on board a ship called the Andromache; and on the 24th and 25th I had free dances, as they are called, with some of my countrymen, previous to my setting off; after which I took leave of all my friends, and on the 26th I embarked for London, exceedingly glad to see myself once more on board of a ship; and still more so, in steering the course I had long wished for.

B. J. Verselewel de Witt Hamer, had been made a prisoner; the Commandant of the German corps, Captain A. Schiel, fell wounded into British hands, while among the officers who were killed in action I should mention Dr.

A German with thirty acres of ground is having a good job, and I have only ten acres and a wife and children to keep, as well as the farmhand and the girl. We shall have to starve, and it's all because the Germans have a grudge against me. He had spoken rapidly and breathlessly, and after a moment of surprise the old man turned to Fritz Hamer. 'Why did you not take him on?

Hamer again busied himself with his pipe. 'All right! I am willing to buy, as you have fallen upon bad times. But I can only give you seventy roubles. 'You were giving a hundred not long ago. 'Why didn't you take it? 'That's true, why didn't I take it? Everyone profits as he can. 'Have you never tried to profit? 'I have. 'Then will you take it? 'Why shouldn't I take it?

I have always believed that had his life been spared, he would have been President of the United States during the term filled by President Pierce. Had Hamer filled that office his partiality for me was such, there is but little doubt I should have been appointed to one of the staff corps of the army the Pay Department probably and would therefore now be preparing to retire.

The old men, women, and children were walking along solemnly, singing, but the young fellows and the workmen stood in groups, smoking and laughing. Once they made a noisy interruption when Wilhelm Hamer, who presided at the beer-barrel, lifted up his glass. The young men shouted 'Hoch! hurrah! Old Hamer looked round disapprovingly, and the schoolmaster shook his fist.

Hamer, made candy. Lee Davison, of Trail, whose brother is now a prisoner in Germany, sent me tobacco, and so did Harold Andrews, of Trail, and Billy Newell, of Koch Siding. The distribution of the mails was a time of thrills. One of the Sergeants called it out, while every one crowded eagerly around.

A party of colonists went out to meet them, followed by a large crowd of women and children. They met at an appointed place, where refreshments and a barrel of beer had been provided. Old Hamer, in a faded drill-jacket, Fritz in a black coat, and Wilhelm, adorned with a scarlet waistcoat with red flowers, were busy welcoming the guests; Wilhelm had charge of the barrel of beer.

His favourite pastime, however, was to watch the Germans, whose habitations were shooting up like mushrooms. By the end of May Hamer and two or three others had finished building, and their gospodarstwos were pleasant to look at.

'We will settle the matter at my house to-night. 'The sooner the better. 'Well, since it is so, Hamer added after a while, 'I will give you seventy-five roubles, and you shan't be left to die here. You and your wife can come to the school; you can spend the winter with us and I will give you the same pay as my own farm-labourers. Slimak winced at the word 'farm-labourer', but he said nothing.