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That tremulous tender way she had of half-closing and catching light on the nether-lids, when sometimes she looked up in her lover's face as look so mystic-sweet that it had grown to be the fountain of his dreams: he saw it yonder, and his blood thrilled.

Meta's hands were skillful and cool as she sponged the blood away from his forehead and sprayed it with some pleasantly cold, mint-smelling antiseptic. Bart leaned back, tireder than he knew, half-closing his eyes. "That hail must have been enormous; we heard it through the hull. Whatever possessed you to go out into it?" "It wasn't hailing when we left," Bart said wearily.

I'll be somewhere about with Bob, and he ran off. Nance stood looking after him for a moment. Then she came in, half-closing the door. 'That's right, said Archie, 'now we'll be very comfortable without Jus fidgetting about. Go on, Nance, we're all ready. Nance drew forward a stool, and seated herself upon it, between the children, in front of the fire.

He could also "embellish" his words by the simple expedient of half-closing, half-winking one eye; which trick communicated to some of his satirical utterances quite a mordant effect. Nor were his colleagues a wit inferior to him in enlightenment.

The noise of their wings as they rose and threshed their strong feathers together over the tops of the trees was often heard, and while in the garden one might be watched approaching from a distance, swift as the wind, then suddenly half-closing his wings and shooting forwards, he alighted among the boughs.

His face is broad and red, his shiny fat cheeks almost as prominent as his stumpy nose, likewise red and shiny. A fringe of reddish whiskers surrounds his chin like a cropped hedge. The eyes are small and set deeply, a habit of half-closing the lids when walking in the teeth of the wind and rain has caused them to appear still smaller.

In the morning, Iskender's face had swollen where his lord had whipped it, half-closing one of the eyes. The chiefs of the Arabs cried out at sight of it and asked to know the cause of its disfigurement when their guests prepared to set forth in the morning under the escort of two armed and mounted tribesmen. He put them off with the story of a fall from his horse.

"You were the cause of what happened at Barbazon's last night," he smiled evilly "you are egging on the roughs to break up the Orange funeral to-day; and there is all the rest you know so well." "What is the rest I know so well?" He looked closely at her, his long, mongrel eyes half-closing with covert scrutiny. "Whatever it is, it is all bad and it is all yours." "Not all," he retorted coolly.

Then, half-closing his eyes, he began his story and his wrinkled features grew sharper as he went on: "My wife has already told you what occurred after the people learned the command that had been issued. We, too, were among those who lost courage and murmured.

Then, half-closing his eyes, he began his story and his wrinkled features grew sharper as he went on: "My wife has already told you what occurred after the people learned the command that had been issued. We, too, were among those who lost courage and murmured.