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The Doctor examined him again with a milder glance. "I suppose you think you've got the principles of life all right, don't you?" "Yes, I do," replied the other, taking his turn at folding arms. "H-m-m! I dare say you do. What you lack is the practice." The Doctor sealed his utterance with a nod.

"I punched Larry, tripped his friend, and well, I don't exactly know all that did happen," answered Phil without a change of expression. "Knock them down?" "I I guess so." "H-m-m. I suppose you know both those fellows are pretty bad medicine, don't you?" "I may have heard something of the sort." "Larry has quite a reputation as a fighter." "Yes, sir." "And you knocked him out?"

Richling rallied to his defences. "I think I could make a good book-keeper, or correspondent, or cashier, or any such" The Doctor interrupted, with the back of his head toward his listener, looking this time up the street, riverward: "Yes; or a shoe, or a barrel, h-m-m?" Richling bent forward with the frown of defective hearing, and the physician raised his voice: "Or a cart-wheel or a coat?"

He's a fine fellow when he's broke Jim is." "But I owed the men for several months' work. Where did you raise the amount, William?" Dill cleared his throat raspingly. "Me? Oh, I had some uh my wages saved up. I used that." It never occurred to Billy that he had done anything out of the ordinary. "H-m-m!" Dill cleared his throat again and rocked, his eyes on Billy's moody face.

"I am sent by a friend," answered the boy, speaking rapidly and regarding the man with appealing glances. "He is in much trouble, signore, and asks your aid." "A friend? Who is it?" "The name he gave me is Ferralti, signore. He is near to this place, in the hills yonder, and unable to return to the town without assistance." "Ferralti. H-m-m. Is he hurt?"

They'll think I'm some wiz' when I step out and present these here hummin'birds' bugles. Huh! I seen the two bosses gone, and I gets wise direct. But I got to brace up. Wonder what she'll think about me after hearin' what I said last night at the Old Meadow? Gee! I wonder what I did say? Did I cuss much? I forget. H-m-m. Good-mornin', folks!