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Gisborne would have stayed with them during her husband's visit to England in 1820, as they had moved into a pleasant apartment in March. This idea was not carried out. About this time Mary and Claire, both with their own absorbing anxieties, became again irksome to each other.

"I might be your mother, my dear. I might be a grand mother. Perhaps I am." There was a plaintive tone in the last sentence; and Lydia seized the opportunity. "You spoke of maternity then from experience, Miss Gisborne?" "I have one son a son who was sent to me in my eighteenth year." "I hope he inherits his mother's genius and personal grace." "I am sure I don't know," said Mrs. Byron, pensively.

Gisborne narrated at some length the tragic histories of these artists. 'Providential, I thought it, but now, she said despairingly. 'She certainly seems a difficult woman to dislodge, said Merton. 'A dangerous entanglement. Any followers allowed? Could anything be done through the softer emotions? Would a guardsman, for instance ? 'She hates the men. Never one of them darkens her kitchen fire.

There is nothing in the nature of a university college for Maoris, but at Gisborne stands the theological college of Te Rau, where candidates are trained for the ministry of the Church. From its walls many promising young clergymen have come. Thirty-three are now at work 19 in the diocese of Waiapu, 10 in Auckland, and 4 in Wellington. These with 17 other Maori clergy make up a total of 50.

My uncle, meanwhile, had obtained all the requisite testimonials relating to Lucy's descent and birth, from the Irish lawyers, and from Mr. Gisborne.

What manner of man he was may be gathered to some extent from the foregoing pages, though many of his good deeds have necessarily been left unrecorded. "He was no common man," writes Mr. Gisborne, "and his mind was cast in no common mould. His great characteristics were force of will, zeal, eloquence, courage, and moral heroism.

"Did you signal us, lording?" they asked, approaching Robin. "Aye," said he, going to meet the puffing Sheriff. "What news, what news, Sir Guy?" said that officer. "Robin Hood and Guy of Gisborne had a fight; and he that wears Robin's cloak lies under the covert yonder." "The best news I have heard in all my life!" exclaimed the Sheriff rubbing his hands.

Georgie gathered a great basketful of nasturtiums, heliotrope, and mignonette to carry down to Miss Gisborne, and Marian was sent off in the village-cart with a similar basketful for Mrs. Frewen. The house was all in a confusion of packing. Frederic was wrapping tissue-paper round the picture-frames, Elizabeth counting linen and silver, the gardeners emptying the balcony boxes. Mrs.

But mind you, sirrah, if any harm comes to her, or any more talk of her being a witch I've a pack of hounds at home, who can follow the scent of a lying knave as well as ever they followed a dog-fox; so take care how you talk about ducking a faithful old servant of your dead master's." "Had she ever a daughter?" asked Mr. Gisborne, after a while. "I don't know yes!

Thomas Gisborne, honorary and corresponding members; the first on account of his excellent sermon before-mentioned, and other services; and the latter on account of his truly Christian and seasonable pamphlet, entitled Remarks on the Late Decision of the House of Commons, respecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade.