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Updated: August 26, 2024

"Lemme see," said the skinflint, when settling day arrived; "I was to give you four dollars a month, warn't I?" "It was six," replied Bush, respectfully. "That warn't my understanding, but we'll let it go at that; I've allers been too gin'rous, and my heart's too big for my pocket. Lemme see."

Effingham made a fruitless effort before he succeeded in saying: "It is there cut in plain marble; but it should have been written in letters of gold!" "Show me the name, boy," said Natty, with simple eagerness; "let me see my own name placed in such honor. 'Tis a gin'rous gift to a man who leaves none of his name and family behind him, in a country where he has tarried so long."

"And now, Deerslayer," said Judith, "we may talk of yourself, and of the means of getting you out of the hands of the Hurons. Any part, or all of what you have seen in the chest, will be cheerfully given by me and Hetty to set you at liberty." "Well, that's gin'rous, yes, 'tis downright free-hearted, and free-handed, and gin'rous.

"Thin he was a boss, an' f'r five years he r-run th' ward. He niver wint to th' council, d'ye mind; but, whin he was gin'rous, he give th' aldhermen tin per cint iv what they made. In a convintion, whin anny iv th' candydates passed roun' th' money, 'twas wan thousand dollars f'r Flannagan an' have a nice see-gar with me f'r th' rest iv thim.

"But there's them that'll be worse for her goin'," said the other; "and 't ain't only Tim I mean, it's the like o' him," nodding towards Jake, who was slipping quietly out of the room, "it's the like o' him. They looked up to her, they did, bit of a thing as she was. She was that straight and plucky and gin'rous she did 'em good; she made 'em better.

'All I've got to do, he says, 'is to set up at th' desk, he says, 'an' not recall th' names iv th' gintlemen on th' flure, an' me jooty's done, he says. 'I thank ye kindly, Willum; but I cannot accept ye'er gin'rous offer, he says. 'Go back to th' cell, he says, 'an' slave like a convict, he says. 'I will not rob me frind, he says, 'iv such an honor.

An' does it say pap-pah an' mam-mah, I dinnaw?" "No," said Mr. Hennessy, "th' pap-pah an' mam-mah dolls costs too much." "Well," continued Mr. Dooley, "we can't have ivrything we want in this wurruld. If I had me way, I'd buy goold watches an' chains f'r ivrybody in th' r-road, an' a few iv th' good Germans. I feel that gin'rous. But 'tis no use. Ye can't give what ye want.

''Tis most gin'rous iv ye, he says, 'but me hear-rt fails me, he says. 'What is it to be Prisident? says he. 'Th' White House, he says, 'is a prison, he says, 'to which a man is condimned, he says, 'f'r fine wurruk at th' polls, he says. 'Th' life iv a Prisident is slavery, he says.

He was vilent, it's thrue, an' 'd as lave as not cut a farmer acrost th' face with his whip f'r crossin' th' thrail iv th' fox; but he was liberal with his money, an', Hinnissy, that's a thrait that covers a multitude iv sins. He give freely to th' church, an' was as gin'rous to th' priest as to th' parson.

Lady an' Gintlemen, prisoner at th' bar, freeman that ought to be there, lawyers, gin'rals, ex-prisidents, former mimbers iv th' cabinet, an' you, me gin'rous confreres iv th' wurruld's press, I come fr'm a land where injustice is unknown, where ivry man is akel befure th' law, but some are betther thin others behind it, where th' accused always has a fair thrile ayether, I says, 'in th' criminal coort or at th' coroner's inquest, I says.

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