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At the end of it, he pressed the hand of the young officer again, and warmly congratulated him upon his escape from the enemy. Mr. Gilfleur then reported more in detail than he had done before, the result of his mission.

Before he turned in that night he had altered the course of the ship half a point more to the southward, for he had decided to accept the offer of Mr. Gilfleur; and he wished to go to the west of the islands instead of the east, as he had given out the course at noon. For two days more the Chateaugay continued on her voyage.

He was not discovered till we were under way; and we had to take him with us." "What became of this Percy Pierson?" asked the detective. "We brought him off with us when we fought our way out of Mobile Bay. Off Carisfort Reef light we put him on board of a schooner belonging to Nassau; and that was the last I know about him." "But I hope he is not in Nassau now," said Mr. Gilfleur.

Gilfleur was in constant communication with him while he was working up the exposure of the treason of Davis, who might have been a relative of the distinguished gentleman at the head of the Southern Confederacy, though there was no evidence to this effect.

"He was attacked by a cowardly ruffian in front of a saloon in the town, and I lost sight of him after that. I have been terribly distressed about him, for the ruffian threatened to kill him, and I fear he has executed his threat." "Don't distress yourself for another instant, Mr. Gilfleur, for Mr.

Gilfleur, the French detective, with whom he had been associated on his cruise some months before, he did not appear at all different from most of those who listened to Captain Sullendine. He had laid aside his gentlemanly gait and bearing, and acted as though he had lately joined the "awkward squad." "How d'e?" called the orator to him, as he saw him join the group of listeners.

We defended the United States consul when he was hard pressed, and we got him safely into his office by the time the police came upon the scene," continued Christy. "But we have important information. Mr. Gilfleur will give it to you in full." "Pardon; but I very much prefer that Mr. Passford should be the historian of the expedition," interposed the detective.

Gilfleur?" asked Christy, as soon as he discovered the detective, for he had completely changed his appearance, and looked like an elderly gentleman of fifty, with a full beard, grizzled with the snows of many winters. "I don't care to be shut up in this stateroom during the voyage to New York," replied the Frenchman with a pleasant laugh.

The weather was very favorable for the proposed enterprise, with a moderate breeze from the west. Mr. Gilfleur did not wish to leave the ship till after midnight, for all he desired was to get inside the outer reefs before daylight. The speed of the ship was regulated to carry out this idea.

Gwyndale, with the strictest injunction to keep them safely, and deliver them to the government official before any of the Ionian ship's company were permitted to land. The cutters returned from the prize with all the hands who had been sent from the ship, including Mr. Gilfleur.