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In fact, he so managed to turn the head of this young woman, that she begged him to obtain for her a place in the king's favor. She pleased with an opportunity of injuring me, went to Paris, and betook herself <incog.> to the shop of madame Gaubert. She found her charming, and spoke of her to the duc de la Vrilliere, and both agreed to show her portrait to his majesty.

"I sought to do the best for my principal. As it is, I wash my hands of all responsibility, and by all means let us engage, sirs." They disposed themselves accordingly, Gaubert engaging Courthon, on Garnache's right hand, and Garnache himself falling on guard to receive the attack of Sanguinetti.

Created count and senator by the Emperor, he was made proconsul to two kingdoms in succession. In 1806, when forty years of age, he married the sister of the ci-devant Marquis de Ronquerolles, the widow at twenty of Gaubert, one of the most illustrious of the Republican generals, who left her his whole property.

"Sir, you are mad," interposed Gaubert. "You are a foreigner, I perceive, else you would " But Garnache thrust him quietly aside. "You are very kind, Monsieur Gaubert," said he, and his manner now was one of frozen calm a manner that betrayed none of the frenzy of seething passion underneath.

Upon leaving the Champs aux Capuchins, hawk-faced Monsieur Gaubert had run every foot of the way to the Sucking Calf, and he had arrived there within some five minutes, out of breath and wearing every appearance of distress of a distress rather greater than his haste to find his friend should warrant.

Gaubert bowed in submission; but Sanguinetti, who had overheard, turned with an oath. "By God, no!" said he. "I need no such advantage, sir. Courthon, be so good as to help me on with my boots again." And there was a fresh delay whilst he resumed them. At last, however, the four men came together, and proceeded to the measurement of swords.

They were grouped now at the other end of the long, low chamber, by the door leading to the interior of the inn. A few paces distant the landlord watched them with uneasy eyes. But what dismayed Garnache's servant most of all was to see the man who called himself Gaubert standing in talk with a slender, handsome youth, magnificently arrayed, in whom he recognized Marius de Condillac.

"Monsieur de Garnache, if you have no friend at hand to act for you, I shall esteem myself honoured." And he bowed. "Why, thanks, sir. You are most opportunely met. You should be a gentleman since you frequent the Hotel de Bourgogne. My thanks." Gaubert went aside to confer with Monsieur Courthon.

Rabecque checked in his advance, and caught in that moment from Marius the words: "Let her be told that it is Monsieur de Garnache wishes her to descend." At that Rabecque stepped towards them, very purposeful of mien. Gaubert turned at his approach, and smiled. Marius looked up quickly; then made a sign to the men.

It was found that Sanguinetti's was two inches longer than any of the other three. "It is the usual length in Italy," said Sanguinetti with a shrug. "If monsieur had realized that he was no longer in Italy, we might perhaps have been spared this very foolish business," answered Garnache testily. "But what are we to do?" cried the perplexed Gaubert. "Fight," said Garnache impatiently.