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Updated: August 11, 2024

Looking westward, their colors are lost in a blaze of light; but in other directions the whole forest is a flower-garden, in which these late roses burn, alternating with green, while the so-called "gardeners," walking here and there, perchance, beneath, with spade and water-pot, see only a few little asters amid withered leaves. These are my China-asters, my late garden-flowers.

She had dressed the tall china vases on the mantel-pieces, and, departing from the usual rule of an equal mixture of roses and asparagus-bushes, had constructed two quaint and graceful bouquets, where garden-flowers were mingled with drooping grasses and trailing wild vines, forming a graceful combination which excited the surprise of all who saw it.

Or the character may be incompletely evolved, owing to the failure of cooperation of the dormant unit. In this case the hybrid will be in some sense intermediate between its parents, but these instances are more rare than the alternate ones, though presumably they may play an important part in the variability of many hybrid garden-flowers.

Miss Flora McFlimsey was there: "That," said she, "is Mrs. Morris, of Fourteenth Street, a mysterious governess in the family of Mr. Osgood; and the gentleman is Mr. Osgood." What dost thou here, pale chemist, with thy brow Knotted with pains of thought, nigh hump-backed o'er Thy alembics and thy stills? These garden-flowers, Whose perfumes spice the balmy summer-air, Teach us as well as thee.

By the side of the garden-flowers, of Spring's curled darlings, the hyacinths, of rosebuds, dear to sketching maidens, of flower-de-luces and morning-glories, nay, oftener than these, and more tenderly caressed by the colored brush that rendered them, were those common growths which fling themselves to be crushed under our feet and our wheels, making themselves so cheap in this perpetual martyrdom that we forget each of them is a ray of the Divine beauty.

Similar selections and similar amount of work have produced the famous plums, the brambles and the blackberries, the Shasta daisy, the peach almond, the improved blueberries, the hybrid lilies, and the many other valuable fruits and garden-flowers that have made the fame of Burbank and the glory of horticultural California.

Leaving this somewhat lengthy terminological discussion, we now come to the description of the phenomenon itself. In visiting the plantations of the seedsmen in summer and examining the large fields of garden-flowers from which seed is to be gathered, it is very rare to find a plot quite pure. On the contrary, occasional impurities are the rule.

Beyond, there were glimpses of winding walks and of brilliant garden-flowers, and farther on, the waving boughs of trees, and more flitting shadows; the cedar hedge hid the rest.

The scenery through which we passed was thoroughly that of the lower districts of the Alps, with nothing Jurane in its character, and the elevation finally achieved was not very great: indeed, at a short distance from the glacière, we passed a collection of very neat châlets, with gardens and garden-flowers, one of the châlets rejoicing in countless beehives, with three or four 'ekes' apiece.

Looking westward, their colors are lost in a blaze of light; but in other directions the whole forest is a flower-garden, in which these late roses burn, alternating with green, while the so-called "gardeners," walking here and there, perchance, beneath, with spade and water-pot, see only a few little asters amid withered leaves. These are my China-asters, my late garden-flowers.

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