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Witherspoon would come down and she would make tea for him and they would talk about tea, and Aiken, and whether the Abner Fullertons were going to get a domestic or foreign divorce, and how his bridge was these days. It would be very nice, and he rubbed his hands very gently and waited for the Dresden clock to strike five in the subdued and decorous way that it had. But he did not hear it strike.

When I got to the barn I was purty nigh used up." "How did it happen that the stone jumped?" I asked. "Oh, I guess 't was a rabbit," said Uncle Peabody. Thus Uncle Peabody led us off into the trail of the bear and the problem of Kate and the Sam Fullertons concerned us no more at that time. A week later we had our raising. Uncle Peabody did not want a public raising, but Aunt Deel had had her way.

While we were eating I told them about the letter of old Kate. "Fullerton!" Aunt Deel exclaimed. "Are ye sure that was the name, Bart?" "Yes." "Goodness gracious sakes alive!" She and Uncle Peabody gave each other looks of surprised inquiry. "Do you know anybody by that name?" I asked. "We used to," said Aunt Deel as she resumed her eating. "Can't be she's one o' the Sam Fullertons, can it?"

Another thing I started to tell you, Lou," he went on, as he turned to his daughter again, "I hear that, at last, Blue Creek is to have a new doctor. There's a young fellow from one of the Eastern colleges on his way out here to settle. The Fullertons know him, and say he's a brilliant man. It's about time we had somebody, for since old Dr.

It was surprising, indeed, how easily, as the weeks went on, he came to bear many of those ways of hers which had once set him most on edge even her absurd outbursts of affection towards him, and preposterous praise of him in public. In time he submitted even to being flown at and kissed before the Fullertons.

Now that Death was really knocking, the half-gay, half-frightened defiance with which she walked the palace of life, one moment listening to the sounds at the gate, the next throwing herself passionately into the revelry within, revealed to the son a new fact about her a fact of poetry unutterably welcome. Even her fawning dependents, the Fullertons, ceased to annoy him.

"Oh, prob'ly not," said Uncle Peabody. "Back east they's more Fullertons than ye could shake a stick at. Say, I see the biggest bear this mornin' that I ever see in all the born days o' my life. "It was dark. I'd come out o' the fifty-mile woods an' down along the edge o' the ma'sh an' up into the bushes on the lower side o' the pastur.

There were many small monuments and slabs of marble some spotted with lichens and all in commemoration of departed Fullertons. "Say, look a' that," said my guide as he pulled aside the stem of a leafy brier red with roses. "Jest read that, mister."