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Updated: August 6, 2024

It had been found necessary to introduce some of the boys into the play so Charlie and Frank Conway, Steve and Roger Porter were pressed into service. Charlie was to be Sassy Fras; Frank, Winter Green; Steve, Cran Berry, while Roger was to be the giant's henchman, Pine Needles.

"Hey, Perk!" Her finger flipped the observatory com line switch. "Have you got the planets lined up in your scopes yet? Where are they? The Sacred Cow wants to know if they're all where they ought to be." Out in the observatory, designed to swing free on the north polar axis of the big wheel, Dr. P. E. R. Kimball, PhD, FRAS, gave a startled glance at the intercom speaker.

Carry them always with you, part with them neither day nor night, for in these papers rest your future and your c rown. No other man besides yourself can take care of them These papers are worth more to you than a million of fras, although oven that should not be scorned. Here are the documents that give you possession of your wealth.

"What do you suppose she will say?" inquired Edna settling herself well content to continue this sort of talk, though thinking it was scarcely the season for Pussy-willows. "She will say: 'The elder Berry? My dear boy, any dog ought to know the way there. You see she knows I am a Barker." Edna laughed. "Go on." "And I will say, 'Yes, madam, but that sassy Fras always tries to get in my path.

Excuse the trouble I am giving you, and, with kind regards to Mrs B. and your sister, "Believe me, yours faithfully, "Fras. Herapath." Number 5. Mark Railsford to William Grover, Grandcourt. "Lucerne, September 9th, 18 . "Dear Grover, You have often in your lighter moods laughed at the humble individual who addresses you. Laugh once again. The fact is, I am engaged.

"In the presence of Almighty God and this Congregation, Gervas Bay and Anna Russell, inhabitants of the above said township enter into marriage Covenant lawfully to dwell together in the fear of God the remaining part of our lives, in order to perform all ye duties necessary betwixt husband and wife as witness our hands. Daniel Palmer, Gervas Say, Fras. Peabody, Anna Say. Saml.

It is a very easy matter to whip poor Will, but sassy Fras is another matter. Then she will ask: 'Did you ever try to haze L. Nutt? and I will reply, 'Chestnuts! for I don't like to talk about hazing, being in a position to expect a little of it any day. Well, Ande, I must be off or I will find Pip's sis away."

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