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"Now, Will'm," said the shark-killer, "this time we've got a fish that'll gi'e us a fill, lad. Have a little patience, and I'll cut ye a steak from the tenderest part o' his body; and that's just forrard o' the tail. You take hold o' the sinnet, an' pull him up a bit, so as I can get at him."

"There's a public-house, with a very nice clean bedroom. It is called the 'Red Lion. Mrs Forrard keeps it. I would quite as soon stay there as at 'The Magpie. Only if they don't expect you, they wouldn't have much for dinner." "Then you know the village of Allington?" "Yes, I know the village of Allington very well. I have friends living there. Indeed, I may say I know everybody in Allington."

"When he built that boat he were thinking already that he might have to leave sudden, and perhaps a crew wouldn't be willing to, even if he got one. So he trimmed his teller lanyards to run forrard, so as he could steer before t' foremast, and handle t' headsheets hisself going to windward, and at t' same time keep a lookout for ice and slob.

Jenkyns, I believe in explaining my views to the "forrard" children, as I think the superiority of girls over boys consists in the remarkably early age at which girls begin to be reasonable!

"Was it you made fast that fore royal, last watch?" "Yes, Sir." "How's that it's broken adrift?" "Carn't say, Sir." "Well, it has, and you'd better jump aloft and shove the gasket round it again. And mind you make a better job of it this time." "i, i, Sir," said Tom, and followed the rest of us forrard. Reaching the fore rigging, he climbed into it, and began to make his way leisurely aloft.

He gave me the course, and then, without another word, went forrard along the poop. On the break, I heard him call Tammy's name, and then for some minutes he was talking to him; though what he was saying, I could not possibly hear. For my part, I was tremendously curious to know why the Second Mate had taken the wheel.

"There's no ship out there, Jessop," the Second Mate replied, looking at me with a queer, inscrutable expression. "There is, Sir," I began. "That will do, Jessop!" he said. "Go forrard and have a smoke. I shall want you then to give a hand with these foot-ropes. You'd better bring a serving-mallet aft with you, when you come." I hesitated a moment, partly in anger; but more, I think, in doubt.

I’ll fix the devil for you. Aft there, one o’ you, and relieve the wheel. Now you run forrard, and have a good watch below, and be quite easy in your mind, for I’ll deal with the devil for you. You rest and be easy.” And so that day goes by, and the next, and the one after that, and the one after that was the day the Devil was due.

"Hard down." "Put it up a little; keep her in the trough." He noted the effect on the ship of this change; then, as though satisfied, roared out: "Let your forebraces hang, forrard there! Stand by heavin'-lines fore and aft! Stand by to go ahead with that steamer when we have your line!"

Suddenly, the time-keeper struck three bells, and the deeper notes of the bell forrard, answered them. I gave a start. It seemed to me that they had been struck close to my elbow. There was something unaccountably strange in the air that night. Then, even as the Second Mate answered the look-out's "All's well," there came the sharp whir and rattle of running gear, on the port side of the mainmast.