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As I neared the break of the poop, I looked up and saw the dark shape of the Second Mate, leaning over the rail above me. "Who's that?" he asked. "It's Jessop, Sir," I said. "What do you want in this part of the ship?" he inquired. "I'd come aft to speak to Tammy, Sir," I replied. "You go along forrard and turn-in," he said, not altogether unkindly.

But W. and W. went into this business themselves, they were on the crook. Now we're on the square, we only stumbled into it; and that merchant has just got to squeal, and I'm the man to see that he squeals good. No, sir! there's some stuffing to this Farallone racket after all." "Go it, cap'!" cried Huish. "Yoicks! Forrard! 'Old 'ard! There's your style for the money!

"Oh, he's forrard, right up in the bows, keepin' a lookout. This is a ticklish place to enter without a pilot, an' we've passed two already." This information added to her distress. She ought not to go to him. Full well she knew that her presence might distract him from an all-important task.

God A'mighty's Self couldn't undo it wi'out some violent invention; an' for that matter I doan't see tu clear how even Him be gwaine to magic a married woman into a spinster again; any more than He could turn a spinster into a married woman, onless some ordinary human man came forrard. You must faace it braave an' strong. But that imp o' Satan that damn Blanchard bwoy! Theer!

Five years ago I was on a raft as big as this, and right along here it was a bright moonshiny night, and I was on watch and boss of the stabboard oar forrard, and one of my pards was a man named Dick Allbright, and he come along to where I was sitting, forrard gaping and stretching, he was and stooped down on the edge of the raft and washed his face in the river, and come and set down by me and got out his pipe, and had just got it filled, when he looks up and says

It was not heroic it was only a simple duty to send his little son so far from him, and yet how hard a thing it was. There was nothing that Jeff liked better on the big steamer than going "forrard" to the men's quarters.

These boats have no stem, the bows, which are square and about four feet in width, sloping away underneath in a gentle curve, so that their tendency is to skim over the water like a dish instead of cutting through it. They are decked forrard flush with the gunnel for nearly half their length, when a low cabin takes up the space as far as the well, which is quite aft.

Of course every boat-hand fixed a gunny sack and put it on like a bonnet, the way they do when they are toting wood, and we got one for Jake, and he slipped down aft with his hand-bag and come tramping forrard just like the rest, and walked ashore with them, and when we see him pass out of the light of the torch-basket and get swallowed up in the dark, we got our breath again and just felt grateful and splendid.

"Listen to me, boy!" he said. "Take this, and stand-by on the forrard deck house. When we go aloft, you must give us a light until the man gets his going in the top. You understand?" "Yes, Sir," answered Tammy, and took the light. "One minute!" said the Old Man, and stooped and took a second light from the box. "Your first light may go out before we're ready.

"We'd best not be seen leavin t' house together, or our folk'll think it's a put-up job. Walk forrard a piece." Byner strolled along the road a little way, and leaned over a wall until Mr. Pickard, wearing his white billycock hat and accompanied by a fine fox-terrier, lounged up with his thumbs in the armholes of his waistcoat. Together they went a little further along.