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"Places! Huh! Lockers, young ladies! Lockers! That's where you put things. The aft starboard locker, the for'd port locker. You must learn sea lingo if you're to cruise in the Gem." The girls were still aboard the new motor boat. They could not seem to leave it since Betty had been told that it was a gift from her uncle.

My feet were numbed with cold as I walked for'd and looked at the empty tube. The next thrilling moment came when the commander decided to bring his craft to the surface. "Come to surface and blow external tanks!" ordered the two-striper. "Open five, six, seven, eight, to blow!" The round, white perforated lungs of the submarine sucked in the air in the craft.

The nose of the shark-like craft passed through white-caps as steadily as a ship on a calm ocean. "Hands for'd, sir," announced the junior lieutenant. The commander mumbled an answer, and the men were ordered to close the for'd hatches, and soon the iron doors were screwed down.

"Wot for'd an ole woman like me want to put on any sech fool finery? He's de bestest boy in de worl', he is. Dat is, onless dar ain't not'in' happened to 'im." Her husband brought her home no news when he came, and Dick's good qualities were likely to be seen in a strong light for a while longer.

Scatter along aft, Scraggs, and let me know what that taffrail log has to say about it." Captain Scraggs read the log and reported the mileage to Mr. Gibney, who figured with the stub of a pencil on the pilot house wall, wagged his head, and appeared satisfied. "Better go for'd," he ordered, "an' help The Squarehead on the lookout.

Gibney continued to study the gunboat until there could no longer be any doubt that she intended to overhaul them. He made out that she had a long gun for'd, with a battery of two one-pounders on top of her house and something on her port quarter that looked like a Maxim rapid-fire gun. About twenty men, dressed in white cloth, could be seen on her decks. Presently Mr.

"Right down here in Adamson coun-tee Where they have no church of our Lord, Frank Smith sold Pate Art'b'ry some whis-key And caused him to get shot in the for'd." His fellows, in all solemnity, took up the ludicrous chorus and trumpeted in through their noses.

"Chuck the b y thing ower and trust to Providence for'd hangin' her. We better de that, ye' fool as drive to Norraway or some other place o' worship!" History tells us that Geordie believed this latter appeal to have been answered, as it fell calm, and the sea became still.

There's somethin' up for'd yes let me see ye-e-es, there's two more holy sailor! it's a gunboat! One of those doggoned gasoline coast patrol boats, and there's the Federal flag flying at the fore." "Let's put back to San Diego Bay," quavered Captain Scraggs. "I'll be durned if I relish the idee o' losin' the Maggie." "Too late," said the philosophical Gibney.

With the helmet removed the diver spoke: "As near as I can make out, boss, there ain't a thing o' value in this hulk but a couple o' hundred tons o' codfish. She was cut in two just for'd o' the bulkhead an' her anchors carried away on the section that was cut off. She ain't worth the cost o' towin' her in on the flats." "So that codfish has some value," sneered Captain Scraggs.