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Your Ladyship wou'd make no Scruple of it, if you knew how this poor Gentleman has been us'd by my unmerciful Master. L. Ful. I have a Key already to his Counting-House; it being lost, he had another made, and this I found and kept. Bred. Madam, this is an excellent time for't, my Master being gone to give my Sister Leticia at Church. L. Ful.

"Killing his faither?" said the baker, with a quick look. "What do you mean?" "Mean? Ou, I just mean what the doctor says! Gourlay was that mad at the drucken young swine that he got the 'plexies, fell aff the ladder, and felled himsell deid! That's what I mean, no less!" said Toddle, nettled at the sharp question. "Ay, man! That accounts for't," said Tam Wylie.

"Could you not swear that gown was your mistress's once?" "No, unless I saw her hae't on, an' kend that she had paid for't. I am very scrupulous about an oath. Like is an ill mark. Sae ill indeed that I wad hardly swear to anything." "But you say that gown is very like one your mistress used to wear." "I never said sic a thing.

They ken as weel wi' the back o' their heids till ye, an' their noses fair stuffit wi' the cauld, whether ye hae been makin' a ca' or twa on the road hame on pay-nicht. I ken it's astonishin' to a single man, but ye had better tak' my word for't, it's the case.

In short, I hope from my heart you will be, and I say so very often to folk in fact, I pray at night for't. 'O! cuss you! you needn't pray about it. 'No, Maister Derriman, I won't. 'Of course my sword will do its duty. That's enough. And now be off with ye. Festus gloomily returned to his uncle's room and found that Anne was just leaving.

"A man and a woman with a little child came into my tent," the woman continued. "They sat down and had a basin apiece. Ah, Lord's my life! I was of a more respectable station in the world then than I am now, being a land smuggler in a large way of business; and I used to season my furmity with rum for them who asked for't.

"'Clar for't," she said, "I jess can't git use't to de Yankee Doodle quickstep nohow. At Miss Perkinses dey wasn't partic'lar ef things was half an hour behime."

To which he gave the very natural answer 'Hout, what was I thinking about Ellangowan then? It was the cry that was rising e'en now that the young Laird was found, that put me on finding out the likeness. There was nae missing it ance ane was set to look for't. The obduracy of Hatteraick during the latter part of this scene was in some slight degree shaken.

To which he gave the very natural answer 'Hout, what was I thinking about Ellangowan then? It was the cry that was rising e'en now that the young Laird was found, that put me on finding out the likeness. There was nae missing it ance ane was set to look for't. The obduracy of Hatteraick during the latter part of this scene was in some slight degree shaken.

Payson had remarked on several occasions to Cynthy Ann, "I'd shake the mischief out of him, ef I died for't the very next minute." Mrs. Payson was destined to meet with a second calamity, which increased, if possible, her antipathy to the "young imp." Being of a social disposition, she was quite in the habit of dropping in to tea at different homes in the village.