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"Of course I did." And the amazing creature patted me on the back. I performed the introductions. Mr. Fendihook declared himself delighted to make the acquaintance of my friends. Then as conversation did not start spontaneously, he once more looked around, nodded at the landscape approvingly, and once more said "Tiptop!"

She did not know where Mr. Fendihook and Mrs. Prescott had gone. She was not in the habit of putting such enquiries to her guests. "But one or other may have mentioned it casually," said I. "Mr. Fendihook went away on Sunday and Mrs. Prescott on Thursday. It was not my business to associate the two departures in any way."

Then Jaffery burst into his great laugh and held her hands and looked at her with kindly, sympathetic mirth in his eyes. And Liosha laughed, too. "We're both of us savages under our skins, old lady. That's what it comes to." No more was said of Ras Fendihook.

But Jaff Chayne was the only person that had to know the truth." We questioned her as delicately as we could and gradually the intrigue that had puzzled us became clear. Ras Fendihook left London on Sunday for a fortnight's engagement at the Eldorado of Havre. As there was no Sunday night boat for Southampton he had to travel to Havre via Paris.

"Steady on," growled Jaffery, controlling her with his iron strength. Fendihook, who had started back with an oath, grew as white as a sheet. I tapped him on the arm. "You had better hook it," said I. "And keep out of her way if you don't want a knife stuck into you. Yes," I added, meeting a scared look, "you've been playing with the wrong kind of woman.

"There's the brute waiting for her." And there on the quay, with a flower in his buttonhole and a smile on his fat face, stood Mr. Ras Fendihook. He met her at the foot of the gangway, and obviously told at once of our presence, sought us anxiously with his gaze; then with an air of bravado waved his hat a hard white felt and cried out: "Cheer O!" We did not respond.

At last the tail of the packed wedge disappeared on board and the gangway was clear. I went to the aft gangway to Jaffery and the porter. Neither of us had seen Fendihook or Liosha. A second train produced results equally barren. There was nothing to do but carry out the prearranged plan. We went aboard followed by the porter with the luggage.

I met the car, a two-seater, which he drove himself, at the front door, and perceived between a motoring cap worn peak behind and a tightly buttoned Burberry coat a pink, fleshy, clean shaven face, from the middle of which projected an enormous cigar. I helped Liosha out. "This is Mr. Fendihook." "Commonly called Ras Fendihook, at your service," said he.

Oh, that swine of a blighter!" His wrath exploded again over the iniquitous Fendihook. For the dozenth time we went over the story. "What on earth are we going to do with her?" he asked. "She can't go back to the boarding-house." "For the time being, at any rate, I'll take her down to Barbara." "Barbara's a wonder," said he fervently.

He turned to me with a grin, which showed white strong teeth. "More than you could do, old pal!" "You must have practised that a great deal," said Doria. "Two hours a day solid year in and year out not that trick alone, of course. Here!" he burst into a laugh. "I'm blowed if you know who I am I'm the One and Only Ras Fendihook Illusionist, Ventriloquist, and General Variety Artist.