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One of the daughters of the royal pair, wearied with the forms and ceremonies of her state, which, in the most punctilious court in Europe, were especially trying, found means to converse with this well-appearing, quick-witted scamp. A tattling courtier, recalling a faux pas of the last queen, and desiring no more scandals, reported that the princess had been seen to smile on the youngster.

Is it my fault that I blunder? By the merest accident I have already committed a hideous faux pas. You ought to have warned me." "What do you mean?" "I have spoken to the Duchesse of the Maine disaster." The eyes of Sogrange gleamed for a moment, but he lay perfectly still. "Why not?" he asked. "A good many people are talking about it.

She must not pass them without meaning to do so, without knowing she was doing so. And she had not lived her life since her divorce without discovering that the greatest faux pas a jealous woman can take is to show her jealousy. Husbands of other women had proved that to her up to the hilt, when she had been their refuge. "Of course! You know much of men."

We are not grumblers, so we drank coffee and were all very happy; and while the rooms were preparing Dumont read to us a pretty little French piece, Le faux Savant! Sept. 15. Our first object this morning was to see Madame de Montolieu, the author of Caroline de Lichfield, to whom I had a letter of introduction.

"Landscape where the richest element Is a little sunshine innocent."... "No one runs to revel On thy rail-fenced lea."... "Debate with no man hast thou, With questions art never perplexed, As tame at the first sight as now, In thy plain russet gabardine dressed."... "Come ye who love, And ye who hate, Children of the Holy Dove, And Guy Faux of the state, And hang conspiracies From the tough rafters of the trees!"

A letter from Lady Clonbrony arrived: he opened it with the greatest eagerness passed over "Rheumatism warm weather warm bath Buxton balls Miss Broadhurst your friend, Sir Arthur Berryl, very assiduous!" The name of Grace Nugent he found at last, and read as follows: "Her mother's maiden name was St. Omar; and there was a faux pas, certainly.

Perhaps she thinks that such conduct will justify the 'faux pas' of which she has been guilty with the captain, and give him to understand that she had abandoned herself to him only for the sake of escaping from the officer with whom she was in Rome.

The truth is, I executed rather a faux pas over there at Asquith. Tell me," said he, diving desperately at the root of it, "how does Miss Trevor feel about my getting out? I meant to let her down easier; 'pon my word, I did." This is a way rascals have of judging other men by themselves. "Well;" said I, "it was rather a blow, of course." "Of course," he assented.

She looked up, suddenly, surprised and indignant, at Ellen, who had kicked her violently under the table; then she tried to cover up her confusion at her unfortunate faux pas.

Is it my fault that I blunder? By the merest accident I have already committed a hideous faux pas. You ought to have warned me." "What do you mean?" "I have spoken to the Duchesse of the Maine disaster." The eyes of Sogrange gleamed for a moment, but he lay perfectly still. "Why not?" he asked. "A good many people are talking about it.