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He heard Brockett's familar step and suddenly, intent and listening, he faced the door; but the deputy came slowly down the corridor and as he entered the cell, paused, and shook his head. "No word yet, John," he said regretfully. "Is the train in?" asked North. "Yes, Conklin went down to meet it. He's just back; I guess they'll come on the ten-thirty."

Here of all places in the world, in the heart of a Moorish palace, did my eyes fall upon the faces of Bizer Dagget, and Selinda, his wife. And I sez, as my eyes fell from the contemplation of art-decked freeze and fretted archways onto the old familar freckled face, and green alpaca dress, and Bizer's meek sandy whiskers, and pepper-and-salt suit Sez I, "Whyee, Selinda and Bizer, is it you?

It is an attractive and ever-pleasing tree, its dark red bark soon making it a familar friend. How remarkably a woodsman can read what would be an unintelligible jumble of facts to a city man. Here on one trip we found a tree. Its top was smitten off and removed a distance of forty to fifty feet. Parts of the tree were scattered for a distance of two hundred yards. What caused it?

Once in a while some one would let fall some coarse remark, but he was quickly choked off by the others out of respect for "Doc's Betty," who hurried around with a shining face, waiting on one and exchanging a pleasant word with another. Every one was on familar terms with the proprietor.

"Several of the German makers furnish excellent instruments for use in such a course as that here outlined. The author is most familar with the Leitz microscopes, which are furnished by Wm. Krafft, 411 West 59th St., New York city, or by the Franklin Educational Co., 15 and 17 Harcourt St., Boston. The Leitz Stand, No.

I do not dwell on the many other points of internal evidence: it is sufficient to say that those who are most familar with such inquiries, and who best know how little any external testimony can avail in favour of a book where the internal evidence is against it, are most satisfied that the principal writings of the New Testament do contain abundantly in themselves, for competent judges, the evidence of their own genuineness and authenticity.

Sez he, gittin' kinder animated, for he wuz on a congenial and familar theme, "Nobody, the best calculators in drunkards, can exactly calculate how much whiskey will be drunk in a year; and so, ruther than have the whiskey dealers suffer loss, the law had to be changed.