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Updated: August 6, 2024

For a simple introduction to the problems presented by the New Testament literature I would venture to recommend Prof. Bacon's New Testament, in the Home University Library, and Dr. Estlin Carpenter's First Three Gospels. Marett has pointed out that this conception has its roots deep in primitive human nature: The Birth of Humility, Oxford, 1910, p. 17.

The influence of natural science upon the trend of Unitarian opinion has hardly been second to that of Biblical criticism. A son of the last named, Dr. J. Estlin Carpenter, a man of wide and varied scholarship, is now Principal of Manchester College.

They took out warrants, and placed them in the hands of the United States Marshal to execute. But the following letter from our highly esteemed and faithful friend, the Rev. Samuel May, of Boston, to our equally dear and much lamented friend, Dr. Estlin of Bristol, will show why we were not taken into custody. "21, Cornhill, Boston, "November 6th, 1850. "My dear Mr Estlin,

Reid, Miss Sturch, and a few other good friends, that my wife and myself were able to spend a short time at a school in this country, to acquire a little of that education which we were so shamefully deprived of while in the house of bondage. We shall ever fondly and gratefully cherish the memory of our endeared and departed friend, Mr. Estlin.

In 1857 he was asked to come and live in town and devote his whole time to his college work, and this he agreed to do. There were not then many students, but among them were names which after years were destined to make famous, and among these were Alexander Gordon, Estlin Carpenter, and Philip Wicksteed. In 1858 he was appointed minister to Little Portland Street Chapel.

Estlin justly observes, "we have not yet in any great degree experienced, as the mental habits of those who hold it in speculation were in general formed, before they had adopted their present principles, by the imperceptible influence of that religion which they now traduce."

Gal. 4: 8; 2 Tim. 3: 4; Titus 1: 16. ESTLIN, "Discourse on Atheism," pp. 8, 19, 28. DR. CHALMERS, "Institutes," I. 375. DR. CHALMERS, Works, "Natural Theology," I. 58. "The Reasoner," edited by HOLYOAKE, XI. 15, 232. ROBERT HALL'S Works, I. 58. Romans 1: 21, 28. HALL'S "Works," I. 128. ESTLIN'S "Discourse," p. 57. ROBERT HALL, "Modern Infidelity Considered," I. 38, 67.

Estlin has some little money I believe in his hands, but I received from him before I went to Shrewsbury, fifteen pounds, and I believe that this was an anticipation of the five guinea presents, which my friends would have made in March. Estlin's hand must go towards repaying him that sum which he suffered me to anticipate. Meantime I owe Biggs L5. which is heavy on my thoughts, and Mrs.

He stayed as a guest in Dr. T. K. Cheyne’s home in Oxford, and He delivered an address to “a large and deeply interested audience,” highly academic in character, gathered at Manchester College in that city, and presided over by Dr. Estlin Carpenter.

Estlin Carpenter wrote lately to me to say that he does not know of any evidence to prove that Newman and Martineau were "acquainted, or at least intimate," before the former became tutor of Manchester College.

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