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It was near Eighty-sixth Street that a girl, splendidly mounted, saluted her, and wheeling, joined her a blond, cool-skinned, rosy-tinted, smoothly groomed girl, almost too perfectly seated, almost too flawless and supple in the perfect symmetry of face and figure. "Upon my word," she said gaily, "you are certainly spring incarnate, Miss Erroll the living embodiment of all this!"

"Will you play, Miss Erroll?" inquired Selwyn. Miss Erroll would play. "Why do you always call her 'Miss Erroll'?" asked Billy. "Why don't you say 'Eileen'?" Selwyn laughed. "I don't know, Billy; ask her; perhaps she knows." Eileen laughed, too, delicately embarrassed and aware of his teasing smile. But Drina, always impressed by formality, said: "Uncle Philip isn't Eileen's uncle.

Very innocently she told him that Jack Ruthven was leading the Chinese Cotillon with Mrs. Delmour-Carnes from one end, Gerald Erroll with Gladys from the other a hint that a card ought to be easy enough to obtain in spite of the strangely forgetful Orchils.

Fane swung her horse and held out her right hand: "Is it pax, Miss Erroll? I'm really ashamed of myself. Won't you forgive me?" "Yes," said the young girl, laying her gloved hand on Rosamund's very lightly; "I've often thought," she added naïvely, "that I could like you, Mrs. Fane, if you would only give me a chance." "I'll try you blessed innocent!

This was within the Erroll jurisdiction, and it was not long before the zealous Countess Mary came to the rescue of the congregation, who had assembled for some time in an old farmhouse. In 1719 or '20 she had the upper floor of a large granary fitted up for their accommodation, and this afforded them a grateful shelter for more than a quarter of a century.

Selwyn stood for a while listening to the musical click of the machine, watching the green shower flying into the sunshine, and enjoying the raw perfume of juicy, new-cut grass; then he wandered on in quest of Miss Erroll.

And in silence and heavy dismay Selwyn confronted the sacrifice he must make to save the honour of the house of Erroll. It meant more than temporary inconvenience to himself; it meant that he must go into the market and sell securities which were partly his capital, and from which came the modest income that enabled him to live as he did. There was no other way, unless he went to Austin.

When the flames at last began to flicker and subside, his lids fluttered, then drooped; but he had lost all reckoning of time when he opened them again to find Miss Erroll in furs and ball-gown kneeling on the hearth and heaping kindling on the coals, and her pretty little Alsatian maid beside her, laying a log across the andirons.

"I have come on my own errand!" he repeated coldly. "Miss Erroll knew nothing about it, and shall not hear of it from me. Can you not help me, Mrs. Fane?" But Rosamund's rose-china features had hardened into a polished smile; and Selwyn stood up, wearily, to make his adieux.

"I believe it is", answered Loveday with his long-bow smile of amusement: "I already know, for example, that Saltoun will admiral the Homer in the Indian Ocean, Vladimir the Ruskin in the Atlantic Crescent, and the young Marquis of Erroll the Justice in the Yellow Sea". "Those all?" "All I know of. I believe, however, that Hogarth is in the throes of decision as to the rest". "I see".