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For that end he had been born, and inheritance and opportunity and inclination had worked together for that end's perfection.

Sam Humphreys knew that Peter Champneys had no right to stand there and smile like that at such a solemn moment. He should have appeared ashamed, downcast, humanly perturbed; and he didn't in the least. "I've been wondering ever since the first day I hired you how I was going to keep from firing you before nightfall. Now the end's come. Say suppose you go on home, right now. Because," said Mr.

"Carry me to bed," says the Pope, "and never let me see that wild Irish priest again. I'm poisoned by his manes ubplsch! ach! ach! He dined wid Cardinal Wayld yestherday," says he, "and he's bribed him to take me off. Send for a confessor," says he, "for my latther end's approaching. My head's like to split so it is! O my! O my! ubplsch! ach!"

Well, I go through all this business, and tie the cord with a slipknot, and, you know, the loop won't come out, nohow either it's too loosely tied, or else one end's too short.

Filofey could not have made a mistake! And now twenty minutes more had gone by.... During the last of these twenty minutes, even through the clatter and rumble of our own carriage, we could hear another clatter and another rumbling.... 'Stop, Filofey, I said; 'it's no use the end's the same!

His sister considered him and like a wise woman, offered him something sweet to make up for the bitter. "Do you think you could possibly take a note for me to Miss Leighton this morning when you go to see old Frant?" "Old Frant" was a labourer on the point of death to whom the vicar was ministering. He pricked up his ears. "Great End's hardly in old Frant's direction." Camouflage, of course.

So I said nothing; only I got the town-clerk's young man, who acted as clerk to the committee of the subscription, to make out a fair account of the distribution of the money, and to what intent the residue had been placed in the town-treasurer's hand; and this I sent unto a friend in Glasgow to get printed for me, the which he did; and when I got the copies, I directed one to every individual subscriber, and sent the town-drummer an end's errand with them, which was altogether a proceeding of a method and exactness so by common, that it not only quenched the envy of spite utterly out, but contributed more and more to give me weight and authority with the community, until I had the whole sway and mastery of the town.

"Can you make the mend, d'ye think; and just about how long is it going to take you?" "Between five and ten minutes, not more," came the reply; "I've got the hang of it now, and the end's in sight." "Whoopee! that sounds good to me!" shouted Gusty Bellows, waving his hat. Five minutes had hardly passed before they heard the familiar pop-pop-pop of the Speedwell's motor exhaust.

Eventually they will fraternize with Disorder or become themselves Praetorian Guards more dangerous than the perils that have called them into existence. It is easy to forecast the first stages of the End's approach: Rioting. Disaffection of constabulary and troops. Subversion of the Government A policy of decapitation. Upthrust of the serviceable Anarchist.

"Right-o, then. That's settled," he said, and they discussed details. Rather shamefacedly he offered them five pounds a month and rations. He said they were worth more, but he could not afford it. If they liked to throw in their lot with his and try to make Loose End's run of bad luck change, he would share the good when it came. They accepted his offer without discussion.