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"She say that?" "Under veridication, with the screen blue as a sapphire, in front of half a dozen witnesses and with audiovisuals on. Interworld's putting it on the air this evening. Her father admitted it, too; named Woller and the desk sergeant. We're still looking for them; till we get them, we aren't any closer to Emmert or Grego.

Now he was afraid that the real jewel was going to be stolen from him. Nick Emmert was just afraid. "You were right yesterday, Victor. I wish Holloway'd killed that son of a Khooghra. Maybe it's not too late " "Yes, it is, Nick. It's too late to do anything like that. It's too late to do anything but win the case in court." He turned to Grego. "What are your people doing?"

This man Rainsford just made a routine observation of meteorological effects. I suggest you have your meteorologists check it, and if it's correct pass it on to the news services along with your other scientific findings." "Nick Emmert thinks Rainsford is a Federation undercover agent." That made him laugh. Of course there were undercover agents on Zarathustra, hundreds of them.

They brought them in, and both of them admitted under veridication that Emmert had given them the keys and sent them down there to hide out till after the trial. "They denied that Emmert had originated the frameup. That had been one of Woller's own flashes of genius, but Emmert knew what the score was and went right along with it. They're being brought up here the first thing tomorrow morning."

"They're coming in now. They'll stop at the hospital to drop Kellogg, and then they're coming here." Nick Emmert nibbled a canape. He had reddish hair, pale eyes and a wide, bovine face. "Holloway must have done him up pretty badly," he said. "I wish Holloway'd killed him!" He blurted it angrily, and saw the Resident General's shocked expression. "You don't really mean that, Victor?"

"You want me out of here when the others come, Victor?" Emmert asked, popping another canape into his mouth. "No, no; sit still. This will be the last chance we'll have to get everybody together; after this, we'll have to avoid anything that'll look like collusion." "Well, anything I can do to help; you know that, Victor," Emmert said. Yes, he knew that.

Police had brought both the girl and her father, Oscar Lurkin, to headquarters, where they had told their story. City police, Company police and constabulary troopers and parties of armed citizens were combing the eastern side of the city; Resident General Emmert had acted at once to offer a reward of five thousand sols apiece....

Say we're a debating team; we've been handed the negative of the question. Resolved: that Fuzzies are Sapient Beings. Personally, I think we have the short end of it, but that only means we'll have to work harder on it." "You know, I was on a debating team at college," Emmert said brightly. When that was disregarded, he added: "If I remember, the first thing was definition of terms."

It either was and Leonard Kellogg wanted more credit than he deserved or it wasn't and he was trying to get somebody else blamed for it before anybody could blame him. "Good afternoon, Victor." Just the right shade of deference about using the first name big wheel to bigger wheel. "Has Nick Emmert been talking to you about the Big Blackwater project today?"

International hotel, Seventh and Jackson streets. Franklin house, Marshall avenue. Dakota house, Seven Corners. Washington house, Seven Corners. Cosmopolitan hotel, Third street. Western house, Third street. Garden City house, Fourth street. City hotel, Fourth street. Central house, Bench street. Emmert house, Bench street. St. Paul house, Bench street. Luxemborg hotel, Franklin street.