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"Wer einmal vergottert worden ist, der hat seine Mensetheit unwiederbringlich eingebusst." Strauss, Der alte und der neue Glaube, p. 76. We might have expected him to be very full on that part of his history; but, writing doubtless mainly for the monks of Pontigny, he says that HE WILL NOT ENLARGE UPON WHAT EVERY ONE KNOWS, and cuts that part very short."

The men of a certain British regiment heard at intervals a monologue going on in the trenches opposite, and every time the speaker stopped his discourse shouts of guttural laughter arose, accompanied by cries of "Bravo, Müller!" "Sehr komisch!" "Noch einmal, Müller!"

She started instinctively, flushed red, and bit her lower lip. A spot of light, like the gleam of a tear, flashed on her eyelash, and rising quickly, she went out of the room. 'Where are you off to, Susanna Ivanovna? Mr. Ratsch bawled after her. 'Let her be, Ivan Demianitch, 'put in Eleonora Karpovna. 'Wenn sie einmal so et was im Kopfe hat...

"Da ist's auf einmal farbig helle, Geschicht' und Zierath glaenzt in Schnelle." With the same feeling he says elsewhere in prose, that "there is a destructive criticism and a productive. Productive criticism is a great deal more difficult; it asks, What did the author propose to himself? Is what he proposes reasonable and comprehensible? and how far has he succeeded in carrying it out?"

"So you're jealous of her, are you? You needn't be. She's gone. She tried to swallow the Kritik der reinen Vernunft and it disagreed with her and she died. "'Nur einmal doch maecht' ich dich sehen, Und sinken vor dir auf's Knie, Und sterbend zu dir sprechen, Madam, ich liebe Sie!" "What's that? Oh, what's that?" "That Madam is Heine." "My dearest Maurice " It was her turn for writing.

Dann soll das Leben des Tones bis auf seinen letzten Blutstropfen aufgesogen werden; dann halte ich die Wellen meines Meeres an, und lasse in seinen Abgrund blicken; oder hemme ich den Zug der Wolken, zertheile die wirren Nebelstreifen, und lasse einmal in den reinen blauen Aether, in das strahlende Auge der Sonne schauen.

One may perhaps trace to Sterne’s blank pages and similar vagaries the eccentricity of the author ofUeber die Moralische Schönheit und Philosophie des Lebens,” whose eighth chapter is titledVom Stolz, eine Erzählung,” this title occupying one page; the next page is blank; the following page is adorned with an urnlike decoration beneath which we read, “Es war einmal ein Priester.” These three pages complete the chapter.