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The housewife sobbed more and more loudly. "Egór, whom the priest had already confessed and communicated, turned to me: "'Tell her, Your Well-Born, that she must not do herself an injury.... For I have already forgiven her." As my friend repeated these last words of his servant, he whispered: "Egórushka darling, just man!" and the tears dripped down his aged cheeks. August, 1879.

This soldier has robbed me! "Egór was standing on the threshold of the house, drawn up in military salute, with his cap in his hand, and had even protruded his breast and turned out his feet, like a sentry, and not a word did he utter!

He called it his winter quarters and made a point of crossing the Volga every week to give an eye to the house, the farm yard and the servants, of whom only Vassilissa, Egor, the cook and the coachman accompanied their mistress to Novosselovo. Yakob and Savili were put especially at Tushin's disposition. Raisky proposed to leave a week after the wedding.

With an air of decision he stretched out his hand to Petunikoff and said: "Well, five hundred?" "Not more than one hundred roubles, Egor Tereutievitch." Petunikoff shrugged his shoulders as if sorry at being unable to give more, and touched the soldier's hairy hand with his long white fingers. They soon ended the matter, for the soldier gave in quickly and met Petunikoff's wishes.

Whether he was daunted by all that mass of generals halting there in the middle of the street, or whether he was petrified in the presence of the calamity which had overtaken him, at any rate, there stood my Egór blinking his eyes, and white as clay!

"Then the Commander-in-Chief said abruptly: 'Hang him! gave his horse a dig in the ribs and rode on, first at a foot-pace, as before, then at a brisk trot. The whole staff dashed after him; only one adjutant, turning round in his saddle, took a close look at Egór. "It was impossible to disobey.... Egór was instantly seized and led to execution.

Young Petunikoff entered slowly, took off his hat, looked around him, and said to the eating-house keeper: "Egor Terentievitch Vaviloff? Are you he?" "I am," answered the sergeant, leaning on the bar with both arms as if intending to jump over it. "I have some business with you," said Petunikoff. "Delighted. Please come this way to my private room."

That's a determined young thief! ... What will happen next, I wonder ...?" asked Kuvalda. "Next? Young Petunikoff will buy out Egor Vaviloff," said Abyedok with conviction, and smacked his lips as if the idea gave him great pleasure. "And you are glad of that?" Kuvalda asked him, gravely.

During the day the captain passed most of his time sitting on a kind of bench, made by himself by placing bricks against the wall of the courtyard, or else in the eating house of Egor Vavilovitch, which was opposite the house, where he took all his meals and where he also drank vodki. Before renting this house, Aristid Kuvalda had kept a registry office for servants in the town.

Egor must be sent for and must take my clothes and linen out of the trunk. For you, Granny, and for you, my dear sisters, I have brought some small things for remembrance." Marfinka grew crimson with pleasure. "Granny, where are you going to put me up?" "The house belongs to you. Where you will," she returned coldly. "Don't be angry, Granny," he laughed. "It won't happen twice."