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Let me have a look at you. Still the same old Sel, eh? A little thinner, I think, and not quite so much hair humph! Sit down; have that easy-chair; tell me all about yourself. Well, well! this is an unexpected treat. The Rev. Edgerton Forbes, who had been looking Selwyn over after the custom of tailors about to offer sartorial advice, ceased his inspection, and shook hands all over again.

She betrayed no concern no uneasiness made no inquiries after Edgerton, of whose condition she knew nothing and, by this very course, convinced me that she was conscious of too deep an interest in his fate to trust her lips in referring to it. All that she said to me was, that "she had been so terrified on seeing him fall, that she did not even know that she had screamed."

And did not the good woman have many of the cards of the former function hidden in her bureau drawer to show her curious friends just how grand a lady Miss Felicia was? General Waterbury, U.S.A., commanding the Department of the East, with headquarters at Governors Island, was one of them. And so were Colonel Edgerton, Judge Lambert and Mrs.

And this slowly floated, settling like mist over the waves, leaving nothing where the rock had been. "I think," said Edgerton Lawn, wiping the starting perspiration from his forehead, "that you have made good, Captain Selwyn. Dense or bulk, your Chaosite and impact primer seem to do the business; and I think I may say that the Lawn Nitro-Powder Company is ready to do business, too.

He was contemplative an idealist; I was impetuous and devoted to the real and living world around me, in which I was disposed to mingle with an eagerness which might have been fatal; but for that restraint to which my own distrust of all things and persons habitually subjected me. Between William Edgerton and Julia Clifford my young life and best affections were divided, entirely, if not equally.

When at last, however, the first classman stood bared to the waist, he looked like a giant beside Dave Darrin. "It looks like a shame to take the money, Tread," murmured referee Edgerton. "I don't want to pound the youngster hard," explained Midshipman Treadwell, in an undertone. "Yet I've got to teach him both to respect my class and myself."

I felt assured that, if I remained, two things must happen. William Edgerton would persevere in his madness, and I should murder him in his perseverance! I banished myself in regard for that old man, and in some measure to requite his benefactions, that I might be spared this necessity.

I may need his assistance in that line myself some day. If so, how fortunate to have such a friend at court or perhaps it would be more to the point to say IN court." Boris got up and began striding up and down. He was very excited. "You are a clever woman, Rita; but you are also a fool! Be guided by me, and give up Peel Edgerton." Mrs. Vandemeyer shook her head gently. "I think not."

"Natural enough!" said my demon. "Had she been able to have controlled her utterance, she would have taken precious good care to havo maintained the silence of the grave. But her feelings were too strong for her policy." And I took this reasoning for gospel. The carriage came. Edgerton was put into it, but Julia positively refused to ride.

I keep a glass for each of my patients, upon which their "high-water mark" is indicated by a slip of paper gummed on the outside. When Mr. Edgerton, pursuant to our stipulation, comes to me for his dose, I drop into the glass before his eyes a shot about the size of a small pea then fill the glass with Magendie's Solution up to the mark indicated. Midway between the doses of morphia I give Mr.