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Updated: August 5, 2024

I had concluded upon my course in the brief interval which followed my interview with William Edgerton and my return home. The next day I saw his father. I communicated the assurance of the son, and renewed my own, that neither drunkenness nor gaming was a vice.

In the Sunday papers a brief notice of the sudden death of Sir James Peel Edgerton, the famous K.C., had appeared. Monday's paper dealt appreciatively with the dead man's career. The exact manner of his sudden death was never made public. Tommy had been right in his forecast of the situation. It had been a one-man show. Deprived of their chief, the organization fell to pieces.

Was there not a consciousness in this? and what consciousness? The devil at my heart answered, and answered with truth, "He loves your wife." It would have been well, perhaps, had the cruel fiend said nothing farther. Alas! I would have pardoned, nay, pitied William Edgerton, had the same chuckling spirit not assured me that she also was not insensible to him.

William Edgerton continued his insane attentions: he sought my dwelling with studious perseverance sought it particularly at those periods when he fancied I was absent when he knew it though such were not his exclusive periods of visitation. He came at times when I was at home.

This was quite true since dignity was Edgerton & Edgerton's long suit, they being the variety of Wall Street lawyers who are said to sleep in their tall hats and cutaways. "If you can imagine it," replied his brother irritably, "she insists on our having Mrs. Wells arrested for obstructing the street in front of her house.

Ah! these things do not move ladies' fancies. There are very few endowed with that thoughtful pride which disdains surfaces. Julia Clifford was one of these few! But I little knew it then. The approach of William Edgerton to my wife was a signal for my torture all that evening. From that moment my mind was wandering. I knew little what I said, or looked, or did.

Mix one-half pint of milk and one-half pint water, into which stir Franklin flour until about as thick as pancakes. Pour into a very hot, well buttered gem pan and bake in a quick oven. From MRS. ROLLIN A. EDGERTON, of Arkansas, Secretary of State Board, and Lady Manager.

The guilt that works so terribly upon conscience as to produce such effects upon the frame, inevitably leads to repentance. Now, we find that Edgerton pursued his object until he was detected." I shook my head. "Do not steel yourself against probabilities, my dear fellow," said Kingsley. "Proofs against probabilities always!"

Edgerton," she began, "I just want you should listen carefully to what I have to say. This woman next door to me here has " At this point, as paper is precious and the lady voluble, we will drop the curtain upon the first act of our legal comedy. "I suppose we'll have to do it for her!" growled Mr. Wilfred Edgerton to his brother on his return to their office.

It was necessary that I should begin the business of life. On this head I had already reflected somewhat, and my thoughts had taken their direction from more than one conference which I had had with William Edgerton. His father was an eminent lawyer, and the law had been adopted for his profession also. I determined to make it mine; and to speak on this subject to my uncle. This I did.

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