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"It's just for them and their children that fellows like Dillon are on the job to make a better harbor!" "For them, for the people!" said Joe. "That's what I'm kicking at in you, Bill you treat us all like a mass of dubs that need gods above to do everything for us because we can't do it all by ourselves!" "I don't believe the people can," I retorted.

What would you do if you were handicapped with a tag like mine Constantine with all the dubs at school calling you 'Tiny' for short, while you stood a good five feet nine in your socks? Isn't it dreadful?" Instantly Banty found his heart warming towards this big pink cousin, who bore with such sturdy good humor the affliction of such a terrible name.

"Mere dubs," said M'Iver, pleasantly "mere dubs or ditches. Now I, Barbreck, have been upon the deeps, tossed for days at hazard without a headland to the view. I may have made verse on the experience, I'll not say yea or nay to that, but I never gave a lochan credit for washing the bulged sides of the world." "You hadn't fancy for it, my good fellow," said the bard, angry again.

At eight the following morning he was made up in a large dressing room by a grumbling extra who said that it was a dog's life plastering grease paint over the maps of dubs. He was presently on Stage Four in the prescribed evening regalia for gentlemen. He found the cabaret set, a gilded haunt of pleasure with small tables set about an oblong of dancing floor.

"Even at two meals a day, boy, that's something over two hundred and forty. And I can eat four times a day, without a struggle! Wouldn't you think one of these overworked-for-the-good-of-humanity dubs would take a vacation and give me a chance to hold down his practice?"

"What I'm afraid of is, if Prescott and Holmes don't play with the soldiers, then Darry will lose interest in the game to such a degree that even Army dubs will be able to take his shoestrings away from him. Danny doesn't enjoy fighting fourth-raters. It's the big game that he enjoys going after.

The fact that he dubs the classmate whom he admires most "a good sport," shows that he thinks so, anyway. So organized play was carefully introduced on the coast. It caught like wildfire among the children, and it was delightful to see groups of them naïvely memorizing by the roadside school lessons in the form of "Ring-of-Roses," "Looby-Loo," "All on the Train for Boston."

It is worth remembering that at least one eminently competent English critic has declared that while there may be less erudition in America, there is conspicuously more culture. When the Englishman hears the American, and especially the American woman, slip so glibly from Rodin to Rameses, from Kant to kakemonos, he dubs her superficial.

I was one of the seamen who had helped to conquer the unconquerable Armada of King Philip. I was therefore not to be denied, and Sir John was sent home as empty-handed as he went to Court. D'ye marvel that he hates me? Knowing him for what he is, d'ye marvel that he dubs me pirate and worse?

My great-grandfather looked in at the full dress ball and was so shocked that he went and opened a clothing store next day. Society never forgave him for this insinuation. But, say, isn't it immense the way the doings of these Society dubs are chronicled in the Society papers? In case you haven't noticed them I would like to put you wise to a few: Social Glints From the Summer Resorts