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Here in Drummond's hand was the only copy in existence, except the one already in his and Lucy's possession. It was plain that Hiram had not previously made another copy, else why would he have stopped here on the desert to draft this one? Also, by the same token, it was plain that Hiram had not memorized the contents.

That's what's the matter with you." "Oh, rot," said Drummond. "It's only a chill." But the school doctor, who had looked in at the house to dose a small Seymourite who had indulged too heartily in the pleasures of the table, had other views, and before lockup Drummond was hurried off to the infirmary. Sheen went to Drummond's study after preparation had begun, and was surprised to find him out.

Then he would go on to Dr Drummond's. The wind had risen when he went out again; it blew a longer blast, and the trees made a steady sonorous rhythm in it. The sky was full of clouds that dashed upon the track of a failing moon; there was portent everywhere, and a hint of tumult at the end of the street. No two ways led from Finlay's house to his first destination.

It ought to have been considered, that he was professionally required to deal with a class of persons not famed for prudence in pecuniary concerns, and to whom the methodical disbursements of most private gentlemen would probably have appeared penurious. Chap. Archbishop Drummond's Address in procuring for Mr. West the Patronage of the King. Singular Court Anecdote of a Lady of Fashion.

The assailants' fire, too, is still, but that, as Drummond's men well know, means only "look out for other devilment." Out on the eastward desert, still far over towards the other side, a little party of Apaches is hurrying to join the fray. Two are riding. Where got they their horses? The others over half a dozen come along at their tireless jog-trot.

It was really interesting to have something to do with a person who wanted a ladder. What was she going to do with it? "I must climb without," said Antonia. "I wonder are there creepers." "What do you want with it?" said Nan in quite a friendly tone. "I want to get into Susan Drummond's room by her window." "Oh, dear, what fun!" Nan's eyes danced.

Halsey gasped. It was Drummond's own voice. "Two hundred and fifty shares," replied Bella's voice. "Good. Keep at him. Don't lose him. To-night I'll drop in." "And your client will make good?" she anxiously. "Absolutely. We will pay five thousand dollars for the evidence that will convict him." Constance's little audience was stunned. But she did not let the telegraphone pause.

"I don't look as if I did it just for amusement, do I?" he snarled. "It hasn't improved your temper, my lad," I said under my breath. Aloud I remarked: "We're all in much the same boat. Miss Drummond's had a stiff time of it, and I've got all my bruises where you can't see them, but I can assure you that they hurt all the same." At the mention of Moira a shadow passed over his face.

It was generally believed that, owing to the unerring way in which he had put his head in front of Drummond's left on that memorable occasion, the scarlet-haired one was at present dry-docked for repairs.

Drummond's pose was easy and his voice was calm. He had not lighted the cigar Stormont gave him, and now and then twisted it round carelessly. "Very well," Stormont resumed. "As I've got to bid against Thirlwell, I'll risk five hundred dollars: two hundred and fifty now. Then, as soon as we make a good start, you can have a job in the company's office." "Oh, shucks!" said Drummond.