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Updated: August 12, 2024

Gould pursued, "was shocked and disgusted at the tawdriness of the dressed-up saints in the cathedral the worship, he called it, of wood and tinsel. But it seemed to me that he looked upon his own God as a sort of influential partner, who gets his share of profits in the endowment of churches. That's a sort of idolatry. He told me he endowed churches every year, Charley."

He was not allowed to play with certain boys, he was not permitted to stray beyond certain bounds, he was kept clean and dressed-up, he was taught his manners. In short, Mrs. Gates tried without knowing what she was doing to use the same formula on him as she had on Ethel-May and Clara. In the second period, he was a grief to his family.

The other painted savages were creeping in and out of the bushes with their spears and boomerangs as if they were hunting, and the dressed-up kangaroo made believe not to see them, but stooped down, nibbling grass. "What an idea of a kangaroo!" sniffed Dot's friend, "why, a real kangaroo would have smelt or heard those Humans, and have bounded away far out of sight by now."

Berry promised and the four ran away to get ready for their last afternoon together. "Dress up pretty, girls," Alicia called from her room. "No telling whom we might meet at the tearoom." "That's so," said Dotty; "put on your Dresden silk, Doll." Dolly laughingly agreed, and the four dressed-up young ladies started off.

"Remember," said she, "I pinned your money in the right leg of your pants, clost to the knee." "Mandy," said he, confidentially, "I feel the lump of it. I hope I don't have to git after it sudden. Dunno but I should have fetched along a ferret to send up after it." "Don't git friendly with no strangers dressed-up ones, especial. And never set down your valise.

I was goin' to say that I believe Miss Martha's lost money somehow and I believe that dressed-up stuffed image of a Raish Pulcifer is responsible for her losin' it, that's what I believe." "Mr. Pulcifer! Why, Primmie, why do you say that? What proof have you?" "Ain't got no proof. If folks could get proof on Raish Pulcifer he'd have been in jail long ago. Zach Bloomer said that only the other day.

And there stood Mme Jules, waiting, cool and rigid as ever, while Satin, marveling in the depths of her vicious soul to see a prince and two gentlemen in black coats going after a naked woman in the society of dressed-up actors, secretly concluded that fashionable people were not so very particular after all. But Father Barillot's tinkling bell approached along the passage.

Dressed-up ghosts had become common, and she did not care for them, so the blanket exercise was to be the next mode of hardening her nerves. It is well known that Mr.

And that old, specious, dressed-up, garbled, sea-sick ptomaine prancing about avidiously like an irremediable turkey gobbler with patent leather shoes on is my best friend. Why did you go and get him invested in this marriage business?" "Why, he was the only chance there was," answers Miss Rebosa.

"Thank you, sir," said my companion; "I now thoroughly understand the meaning of carn. Whenever I go to Chester, and a dressed-up madam jostles against me, I shall call her carn-butein. The Pope of Rome I shall in future term carn-lleidyr y byd, or the arch thief of the world.

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