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He never saw that all over the ball-room curious eyes were watching eagerly. Hers were downcast, while his were fixed almost in adoration on her face. Sweeter, softer, dreamier rose and fell the exquisite strains. Will he ever forget the "Immortellen"? Soft ripples of her hair were drifting close to his lips. Their delicate fragrance stole over his senses like a spell.

The use of chalk grew upon him in later life, possibly because he trusted more to his memory now, and loved the dreamier softer medium for uttering his fancies. Black chalk was employed for rapid notes of composition, and also for the more elaborate productions of his pencil.

Prince Michael smiled his enigmatic, gentle, comprehending smile and caught the coat sleeve of the other. The brilliant light in the Prince's eyes was softening to a dreamier, cloudy translucence. "Wait," he said solemnly, "till the clock strikes. I have wealth and power and knowledge above most men, but when the clock strikes I am afraid. Stay by me until then. This woman shall be yours.

There was a curious expression on her face, as if she had just awakened. Her eyes were very soft blue, softer and dreamier than Hugh's, and her mouth, even while it smiled, had a rather sad look. But the look of her whole face was very I can't find a very good word for it. It seemed to ask you questions, and yet to know more about you than you did yourself.

'Why, Sir Vernon, of course the present Sir Vernon and his brother Peter: ugly name, isn't it, Ida? but there has always been a Peter in the family; and as a rule, added Captain Palliser, growing slower and dreamier of speech as he fell into reminiscences of the past 'as a rule the Peter Pallisers have gone to the dogs.

"I haven't enjoyed telling lies," said Will, "I assure you." "That I'm sure you haven't, poor boy! but Mr. Sherwood? Hasn't he made any effort to help you. Surely he " "Poor old Godfrey!" broke in her brother, laughing. "It's a joke to remember that I used to think him a splendid man of business, far more practical than I. Why, there's no dreamier muddlehead living."

"When I look back on the days long fled, The memory grows still dreamier. Oh! what fantastic lives they led, Far away in Bohemia. "There were laws that were only made to break, In a world that never seems half awake Till the lamps were lit there were souls at stake. Far away in Bohemia." Barcelona in August was like the Hell to which Emile likened it.

It was a fairy ring, you see. Her mother apparently had not missed her, and the baby was as jolly as ever. "What was the matter with you last night, Käthe?" said her mother. "You were dreamier than ever; not a word could we get out of you. You must have been tired out, you poor child!" "But everything was all right, wasn't it, mother, the potatoes were boiled and the supper ready?"

The great rivers seem not only to meet in the ocean, but barely to miss each other in the hills: the whole land, though low as a whole, leans towards the west in shouldering mountains; and a prehistoric tradition has taught it to look towards the sunset for islands yet dreamier than its own. The islanders are of a kind with their islands.

Her manner, which had been growing gentler, was now touched with a winsome melancholy, and her eyes appeared to be larger and dreamier.