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It was as familiar as the glove upon her hand, and the view from the window well, the view from the window was partially blocked by the professor under the beech tree, smoking. Seeing her, he discarded his cigar and came nearer, leaning on the sill of the opened window. "You haven't got your hat off yet," he said in a discontented tone. "Aren't you going to stay?"

The horses champed their bits and tugged at the reins, impatient of the prolonged pause. "Let us go!" she said in a low, constrained voice. At her words he turned, the harshness dropping from his face like a discarded mask; the lines of determination wavering. "Let us go!" she said again, without looking up.

The tunics were genuine tunics formerly worn by the actual Praetorian Guards but discarded and sold as worn or faded. There were also many such kilts and corselets and helmets.

The heat of the vertical rays of the sun was fast making our horrible prisons unbearable, so that after passing a low divide, and entering a sheltering forest, we finally discarded the Mahar skins that had brought us thus far in safety. I shall not weary you with the details of that bitter and galling flight. How we traveled at a dogged run until we dropped in our tracks.

Out of once discarded, seemingly valueless matter have come our coal-tar products: saccharine many times sweeter than sugar, colors unknown to the old dyers, perfumes as fragrant as those distilled from flowers, medicines potent to allay fevers.

Some didn't care, but others tried to find any kind of work that would fill their stomachs with food. For three days Dick hadn't eaten a good meal, and felt almost as low as the derelicts whom he had for companions. He would have enjoyed a smoke, but turned away as two men dove for a cigarette-butt; discarded by a passerby.

She had changed from her traveling suit to a gown of some soft, glossy material that accentuated the lines revealed by the discarded habit. The worldly-wise would have viewed the lady with a certain expressive smile that might have meant much or nothing. And the lady would have looked upon that smile as she now looked at Corrigan, with a faint defiance that had quite a little daring in it.

The coefficient of friction between the cast-iron and steel is considerably less than that which would exist between two steel parts, and there is less tendency for the skirt to score the cylinder walls than would be the case if all steel were used so noticeable is this that many makers, after giving steel pistons a trial, discarded them in favour of cast-iron; the Gnome is an example of this, being originally fitted with a steel piston carrying a brass ring, discarded in favour of a cast-iron piston with a percentage of steel in the metal mixture.

"The two were living there in great secrecy, as they were in fear of their lives, not alone from the young lady's relatives, but from her discarded lover, the Marchese di Capella, father of the present Mr. Giovanni Capella, who has dropped his title in England.

I could not sympathise with Mrs Thrale-Piozzi impossible that any right-minded person should, but I own to the deepest curiosity to see her, and above all to witness her meeting with this discarded friend, having understood from my own friends that feeling run very high between them. Consequently I did not hurry my steps. "For Heaven's sake, hasten!" cried Miss Burney. "'T is Mr Piozzi himself.