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The creditors of the Tregulpho Mines had got a verdict against him as one of the directors of that company; the engineer of the Little Diddlesex Junction had sued him for two thousand three hundred pounds the charges of that scientific man for six weeks' labor in surveying the line.

The Patent Pump shares were down to 15l. upon a paid-up capital of 65l. Still ours were at a high premium; and the Independent West Diddlesex held its head up as proudly as any office in London. Roundhand's abuse had had some influence against the Director, certainly; for he hinted at malversation of shares: but the Company still stood as united as the Hand- in-Hand, and as firm as the Rock.

Gates," says I, beginning the matter cleverly, "you are one of my masters, you know, at the West Diddlesex yonder?" "Yees, sure," says old Gates, grinning. He was a retired servant, with a large family come to him in his old age. "May I ask you what your wages are, Mr. Gates, that you can lay by so much money, and purchase shares in our Company?"

Brough and the West Diddlesex Association, suddenly quarrelled with both, and taking his money out of the concern, he disposed of his 5,000l. worth of shares to a pretty good profit, and went away, speaking everything that was evil both of the Company and the Director. Mr. Highmore now became secretary and actuary, Mr.

I took it, and he pressed mine very kindly "You may as well sit down here," says he, as he kept hold of it; "there is plenty of paper." And so I sat down and mended a beautiful pen, and began and wrote, "Independent West Diddlesex Association, June 1822," and "My dear Aunt," in the best manner possible.

They blow a blast to rouse us, another for distribution of rations; they have the assembly, the retreat, the "lights out," and all the rest, as regular as the Diddlesex Militia.

Squeezing my hand after this speech, Sherrick ran across the street after some other capitalist who was entering the Diddlesex Insurance Office, and left me very much grieved and dismayed at finding that my worst fears in regard to Thomas Newcome were confirmed. Should we confer with his wealthy family respecting the Colonel's impoverished condition? Was his brother Hobson Newcome aware of it?

"What! the West Diddlesex ruined?" says I, thinking of my poor mother's annuity. "Impossible! our business is splendid!" "We must have 5,000l. on Saturday, and we are saved; and if you will, as you can, get it for me, I will give you 10,000l. for the money!"

"The castle towers of Bareacres are fair upon the lea, Where the cliffs of bonny Diddlesex rise up from out the sea: I stood upon the donjon keep and view'd the country o'er, I saw the lands of Bareacres for fifty miles or more.

In the front room upstairs, where the dinner is laid out, there is a picture of Muffborough Castle; of the Earl of Muffborough, K.X., Lord-Lieutenant for Diddlesex; an engraving, from an almanac, of Saint Boniface College, Oxon; and a sticking-plaster portrait of Hugby when young, in a cap and gown.