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"Splendid, splendid.... But do you mind moving into the end of the room.... That's it." He followed Andrews, saying in a deprecatory tone: "We're going to have just a little bit of a prayer and then I have some interesting things to tell you boys."

It seemed to have come to them there, and he fancied in the statued saint that looked down from its facade something not so much tolerant as tolerated, something propitiatory, almost deprecatory.

Two or three times I have been called to bring him out of a state bordering upon delirium tremens. A physician is not supposed to give away the weaknesses of his patients," he interposed, in a deprecatory tone, "but under existing circumstances I feel justified in saying what I have said."

The chairman and two of the committee met me at the junction. They were most deprecatory and apologetic, and mentioned with evident sorrow the absence of several of the members which might cause a postponement of the conference until the following day. I bore up under this intelligence with astonishing cheerfulness. "My good friends," I said, "don't let this disturb you for a minute.

Councillor Mikulin raised a hasty deprecatory hand and inclined his head slightly over his shoulder. "Now, Mr. Razumov is it necessary to take it in that way? Everybody I am sure can...." He glanced rapidly down his beard, and when he looked up again there was for a moment an interested expression in his misty gaze. Razumov discouraged it with a cold, repellent smile. "No.

Why, it won't pay a man to stay and trade on a bit of a place like this," and he cast a deprecatory look around him.

Nicolotto Muti made a deprecatory gesture, then rose with a rustle of his green and yellow scallops, from which was shaken a fragrance of attar. "My good friend, let us hope so." It was Foresto who, in the courtyard held Muti's stirrup, and secretly pressed into the visitor's hand a pellet of parchment. For Foresto could write excellent Latin.

"You can come along to the next car by and bye, Agatha." Then she moved away, and Agatha who sat down opposite Sally looked at her quietly. "Well?" she said. Sally made a little deprecatory gesture, "I've something to say, but it's hard. To begin with, are you very angry with me?" "No," said Agatha. "I think I really am a little angry with Gregory, but not altogether because he chose you."

I know!" he rejoined with that short deprecatory sigh of his, which seemed always to close any discussion between them on that point, "you are thinking of that absurd duel..." He laughed lightly, good-humouredly, and his eyes gleamed with merriment. "La, m'dear!" he said gaily, "will you not reflect a moment? Could I refuse the challenge before His Royal Highness and the ladies?

The latter must have guessed Parker's feelings, for he favored his guests with a Latin shrug and a deprecatory little smile, begged to be excused and departed for the barn. A quarter of an hour later Kay saw him and Pablo ride out of the yard and over the hills toward the west; she observed that Farrel was riding his father's horse, wherefore she knew that he had left Panchito behind for her.